Chapter 20 Did he come too late?

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Even if Stella helped her, she still hated the fact that she didn't get the chance to be close to the big boss like Stella.

Nikki gritted her teeth in jealousy.

When Reagan got home, he walked into the hall and saw the old lady sitting on her favorite chair. He walked over with his hands in his pocket and stood in front of her.

When his handsome face came in sight, the old lady smiled cheekily as she grabbed his hand and made him sit next to her.

" Grandma, I'm here now." Reagan smiled.
The old lady looked at him with smiling eyes. Having such a handsome grandson was really pleasing.

" Grandma, Is there anything you want to talk about?" Reagan asked.

The old lady's eyes showed sadness as she replied, "I called you back because your grandfather was rushed to the hospital yesterday night."

" What! Why didn't anybody tell me?" Reagan asked with concern.

The old lady sighed. "Old master said he didn't want to burden you, you already have lots of work to do so he didn't want to disturb you. He will be fine, he just got food poisoning, it's not that serious, the doctor said he can be discharged tomorrow evening."

Reagan tensed expression finally relaxed. "Ok grandma, I will go and pick him up tomorrow, stay home and rest well."

" Ok my grandson." The old lady replied then turned her head to the other side as she thought of something but didn't know how to bring it up.

Reagan noticed her slight movement and held her skinny hand. "Grandma, what are you thinking about, is there something you want to tell me?" He asked.

The old lady looked Into his eyes. What she was about to say was something Reagan avoided the most but since he asked, she would tell him.

" Your grandfather still doesn't want to drop marriage between you and the Sinclair's family eldest daughter."

The old lady watched his expression and as she expected, his expression changed.

" Grandson, you know your grandfather wants to see his great grandchild before he leaves to join our ancestors, he wants you to get married as soon as possible. I know it's hard for you but, I also want see my great grandchild. Please Reagan, grandma is begging you. The Sinclair's eldest daughter is the best match for you and I can see that she likes you alot, why don't you take sometime to build a good relationship with her?" The old lady asked with a pleading look.

Reagan held her hands tighter. "Don't worry grandma, I will give you a great grandchild, just hold on for some time." Reagan paused and thought for a while if he should tell her about what happened three years ago, that night. Since he was closest to his grandma than his grandpa, he decided to tell her.

" Grandma, I have something to tell you."

The old lady looked at him with curious eyes as she asked, "What is it grandson, tell grandma."

Reagan hesitated for some seconds before saying, "Three years ago, the night I attended a  meeting at shining diamond hotel and club, I made different toasts to different co-operation partners. After the meeting was over, a lady offered me a drink, I thought she had good motives but after drinking the wine, my body started reacting and I lost control. I entered into a room and went into the bathroom while Blake went to get me a hangover medicine. By the time I came out, I saw a girl unconsciously laying in front of my door. I couldn't see her face well and I couldn't stop myself either. I..." Reagan paused and looked at the old lady's face.

Her surprised eyes stared at him with disbelief. "Grandson, what did you do. That girl is so shameless, how did she suddenly appear inside your room." The old lady asked.

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