Chapter 35

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That evening, I had sent a photo of my provisional licence to Amajiki, dad and uncle Tashiro, they were so happy for me and really supported me in everything that I did, at least someone was fighting in my corner. Whilst I was sitting down at the sofa, my ears pricked up on something, something off.

"Can we just order a couple Pizza's tonight?" Mina suggested.

"Yeah that would be fine by me." Kirishima then turned to me.

"What do you say, Amao?" He asked.

"Yeah, to be honest, I'm too tired to cook." I rubbed the back of my neck. That was when I heard Bakugo speak.

"We need to have a talk about your quirk." He spoke, I had a sinking feeling well at the bottom of my stomach.

During the middle of the night, I wandered out of the dorm rooms. Quietly following them, in nothing but my shorts and oversized t-shirt. During their interaction, I ended up following them to the training ground we first fought against each other. Flashbacks to my uncontrollable nature crossed my mind. Bakugo was digging into Midoriya a lot. Midoriya had inherited All Might's quirk. I took a short gasp before covering my mouth.

"You're going to tell me the truth." Bakugo snarled, squaring up to Midoriya.

"What if it's true?" Midoriya scowled.

"And as for you! You really think you can get in my head and change me!? I'm not a fucking child!" Bakugo pointed to me. I emerged from the shadow.

"I've never tried to change you Katsuki. I-!" I started.

"You address me by my fucking last name you faggot!" He screamed.

"Leave him alone Kaachan!" Midoriya huffed. Throwing a rock at him.

They began to fight, I stood at the sidelines, trying my best to mediate but both boys weren't listening. I ran in front of him, both of them looked at me with fury in their eyes.

"Get out of our fucking way!" Both of them screamed before punching me clean out.

I remember tumbling into several layers of concrete rubble. My head hurt and my eyes were fuzzy. The last things I heard were...

"Eraserhead, three students breaking curfew, one student left unconscious." A robotic voice sounded, before I drifted into a forced slumber.

When I awoke, I was surrounded by Recovery girl, Small-might and Aizawa.

"Finally you're awake." Recovery girl sat me up. My head was wrapped up in a bandage, the same for my right leg. "What were you thinking Amao?"

"I tried to defuse the situation, but we all saw how that worked out." I covered my face with my hand.

"You shouldn't've done that Amao." Aizawa spoke.

"And expect me to sleep knowing full well what was going to happen? You must be joking." I began to get up. "I'm going back to the dorms."

"Please don't be angry Amao, they needed to do this." Small-might pleaded with me.

"Some hero you are! Letting kids fight it out? Symbol of peace my actual ass." I turned to him. "I can't even look at you! Why would you do that to me-them! Why would you do that to them!"

"Amao-." All might stood up.

"Shut up!" I shouted, slamming the door and walking towards the dorms.

Upon opening the doors to the dorm rooms, everyone was up, looking at me. They saw the rage in my eyes. Bakugo and Midoriya stood there too, they slowly turned to me.

"A-Amao, I'm sorry..." Midoriya bowed. I ignored his apology.

"Fuck off, the pair of you!" I punched both of them in the face and walked towards my dorm. "As for the rest of you, go back to sleep."

"B-but." I heard someone whimper, anxiously.

"GO TO BED!" I shouted.

After that was said, I went up to my room. Shutting my door, I then sat on my bed, quietly starting to cry, feeling betrayed by my own friend. I got a subtle knock on my door. From behind the divider, Tenya walked over and sat beside me. He held my arm and patted my back.

"I don't know what came over me." I cried.

"It's ok Amao, we know how you must feel right now." He comforted me.

"I couldn't stop them from fighting, I couldn't stop Gang Orca, yes that was understandable, but Bakugo and Midoriya, I had no reason to stand by and watch them hurt each other." I balled my hand into a fist, punching my leg out of anger. "I'm starting to slip Tenya, and I don't know what to do, I'm scared and I'm anxious and I'm starting to tumble."

"Find your happy place Amao." Tenya held my chin and looked at me. I avoided his gaze.

"I'm tired, Tenya." My tears pooled in his palm. "I can't even look at you, I feel so ashamed."

"You don't have to look at me right now, because you're going to have a lot of time to look at me." Tenya spoke, leaning in to me.

I suddenly felt a pair of soft lips on mine, the air thickened with unspoken words. It was as if my hands couldn't control themselves, my hands took Tenya's glasses off, running my hands through his hair. The fact that he wasn't saying anything made me increasingly nervous. I layed down on my bed, feeling Tenya's bodyweight hovering on top of me as he kissed my lips passionately. Nerves ran through me.

"Tenya, we're breaking dorm rules." I whispered.

"You're right, but I just can't resist you." Tenya sat up.

"I feel uncomfortable..." I spoke. Tenya layed next to me, holding my hand.

"I understand, let's stop there then." Tenya went to get up but I held his hand.

"Stay with me, just for tonight." I pulled him under the cover with me.

"Are you sure?" He looked at me, nervously.

"Mhm." I wrapped my arms around Tenya, holding his muscular body. It made me feel slightly better, however those thoughts still prevailed.

After a while, I slowly started to drift into sleep, knowing that Tenya was falling asleep too. I was hoping to have a dream about us, that's all I could remember before drifting to sleep.

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