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Hi everyone! Here is a list of prompts that you can use to request! If it has (used) by it, it will no longer be available! My requests are open, but please be mindful of my rules, and my time. I am a full time college student so it may take more than a day to write! Credits go to creativepromptsforwriting on tumblr!

Some are dialogue and some aren't!

#1 "You are scaring me."
#2: "Wow, I mean, how long has it been?"
#3: "Is it okay if I sleep here tonight?" (USED)
#4: "Would you allow me to walk you home?" (USED)
#5: "Being half-asleep is a very good look on you."
#6: "Oh hi. Interesting to see you here."
#7: taking the other's hand to look for injuries
#8: pushing a strand of hair behind their ear (USED)
#9: "If someone was going to start a riot, I knew it would be you."
#10: bringing home flowers without a reason
#11: baking or cooking together
#12: "We're more of a family to you than they are." (USED)
#13: pulling their partner on their lap (USED)
#14: cuddling on the couch together
#15: "I love you." "I love you too, you idiot."

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