First Year Nerves.

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Year One: 1989

There are moments in life that you wait your entire life for. You wait your whole life for a moment like this. You wait your whole life to finally get the feeling of being normal, with a normal family, and normal routines. I myself waited so long to have a normal send off to school with my mum, and dad. Now that I am here I have never felt so alone. I look around the place and see nothing but happy families, sad mothers as they send their children off. I know nothing of sad mothers, or proud fathers. I can tell the difference between Muggle parents and Pureblood parents.

I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. I wasn't thrilled about smelling a train station but it was nice to have something new to smell. I clung tightly to the cage that held the nervous owl as she squealed. "Hush now, Pepper." I whispered down to her. I knew what I had to do to get to the actual train but the fear rose inside me as I stood there.

My mother rode this train.

My father rode this train, and my father... I felt my skin visibly crawl as I thought of this monster of a man. I hated him, and everything he had done.

"Come along now boys! You mustn't be late!" I heard a woman yell from behind me. I turn my head slowly to watch the wave of orange hair rush past me. A mother and her four red haired sons follow behind. I felt a ping of jealousy rise in me as I heard them speak.

"Mum, we aren't even late, why are we rushing?" The oldest one chuckled.

I felt like I knew this boy, he looked so familiar to me. But there is no way I could have possibly known this boy. "Your father is alone with Ron and Ginny and we will be lucky if the Burrow is standing when I make my return." The woman explained and tugged each boy in for a hug. "Oh my boys, I love you dearly. Be safe." I couldn't help but stare at this family. I was so lost it seemed like.

When the woman made eye contact with me it was like she was frozen in time. Like she had seen a ghost. "Dear?" It took a moment for me to realize she was talking to me. "Are you alright?" 

I stared at this woman and simply nodded my head to sign I was fine. "Yes, ma'am. I seem to be a bit lost."

As I spoke this woman stared at me. I felt nerves fill my gut. What if this woman has already figured it out? What if I was found right here right now? "Oh, are you here alone, dear girl?" I nodded my head as I looked to the ground, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "My mum and dad couldn't make it this year." I spoke and earned a sympathetic smile from the woman and then she pulled me along. "These are my sons Bill, Charlie, Percy, and the twins." She pointed to them "Fred and George." The boys all looked over and said a quick hello. "Now what was your name again my dear?" 

"Elizabeth." I felt my voice go quiet.

The woman smiled brightly as her eyes were still glued on me. It made me uncomfortable. Either she knew exactly who I was or she was genuinely curious about me. "Well dear, you need not worry this is Fred and George's first year as well. The boys will all look out for you." I looked up and saw a nod from each of the boys' hair. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nymphadora walk onto the platform. "Tonks!" Charlie, I believe. Shouted to her. Dora gave me a soft smile. "Oh Dora, how are your parents?" I watched this whole conversation and smiled. "They are well, you actually just missed them, Molly." She looked from the red headed woman to me. "My mum said you two will have to get together for tea."

 When I heard the name I knew I didn't have to be so nervous around the family. "Yes, of course. I will write to her as soon as I get home."

Andromeda and Ted Tonks. Two people who stepped up when my parents couldn't.

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