You Can't Leave.

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Everyone returned to school and Neville was telling me how he had been practicing. I followed them until I heard a voice behind me. "Oi, where are you going?" I turned and looked at Draco who had a badge on his robes. He had joined Umbridge's little group. "It's not any of your business." I started. "I am helping them study for their OWLs. If you would like some help I will be happy–"

"I don't need your help." He scoffed and glared at me. 

Draco began to walk away from me. "You shouldn't act as if you are better than others. You are an extraordinary wizard, Draco. But sometimes you do need a little help." He stood still. He did not move from his position. I thought he would turn around but he continued walking away from me. "What took you?" George asked looking toward me with an eyebrow raised. 

"Draco." I told him and I heard the scoff that came from his twin brother. 

"Foul git, if you ask me."

"He's my family." I argued. Fred's face fell from a smile to a frown and quickly apologized to me. I heard the blasts from outside and I pulled the younger kids behind me and Fred pushed me behind him. I gripped his shirt as Umbridge stood in front of us. 

The only sound coming from the classroom were quiet cries and collective whimpers as the quills we were using were sketching the words into our skin as we wrote them onto the paper. I could feel Fred's eyes on me the whole time. I felt a tear fall down my cheek when we were pulled out by McGonagall. 

Fred held me close to him as I cried. "She is a cruel, cruel person." Fred ran his fingers through my hair. He looked back at the young boy who was sitting there crying. "I'll be right back, love." He made his way over to the child and knelt down in front of him.

I made my way to stand next to Harry. "As I have told you before, Mr. Potter naughty children deserve to be punished." Umbridge spoke and I felt anger boiling up in my gut as I maneuvered to be in front of Harry to be face to face with her "And I have told you, I am not one to be messed with." I rolled my eyes and turned back to Fred who stared at the woman with hatred in his eyes. "George." Fred spoke up. "I've always thought our futures lie outside the world of academic achievements."

George nodded his head. "Fred, I've been thinking exactly the same thing."

It was the night before Harry Ron and Hermione had to take their OWLs. I was sitting in the common room reading through a potions book. "Come with me." Fred took my hand and led me to the top of the Astronomy tower. "It is beautiful up here." Fred's eyes were burning a hole right through me and he nodded in agreement. 

"It truly is." He mumbled. 

Fred always had a way of making me blush although he only meant it in a friendly manner. "E..." He stared and made me sit down. "George and I are leaving." I raised my eyebrow. Leaving? They couldn't leave, graduation was only a few months away. "That's not funny." I stated, as I began to stand to my feet. "That's because I'm not joking, Elizabeth." He held no humor on his face. Nothing but seriousness clouded his facial features. "When?" I asked. I was pacing at this point, there was no going back. "Tomorrow." He said with his head down. 

"TOMORROW?!" I let out a chuckle. Fred reached for my hand and I jerked away.

"No." I didn't even like the sternness that left my lips. He reached once more and finally got his arms around me. "You can't leave me here." I wept. 

He ran his fingers through my hair. "You will do just fine without us. It's only a couple of months." I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me. 

We stood in the common room and watched as they began to load up for their last prank. Fred walked right over to me. "Please." He started. "Please don't be angry with me. I will see you soon." I didn't say a single word, I didn't trust myself not to cry again. 

"I'll miss you." He mumbled into my hair.

I walked over to George and he smiled at me. "See ya, Georgie." He smiled and engulfed me in a hug. 

It wasn't a week later I found myself in the office of Dolores Umbridge once again. She wanted to know where everyone was hiding. It was bad enough I overheard Harry say he had a dream about my father and now I can't even ask him about it. 

"Sir, they have padfoot!" He shouted at Professor Snape.

Snape said nothing and walked out of the office. She had Harry in the chair ready to use one of the unforgivable curses on him. 

"You can't!" I shouted at her. "It is unforgivable!" 

Dolores walked over to me. "Quiet, or you are next." I felt a hand twitch on my arm, I looked back and Draco was glaring at the professor as she walked away. 

"Tell her Harry!" Hermione shouted. 

Dolores stopped, and lowered her wand. "If you won't tell her, then I will." Umbridge stared at Hermione as she gripped Harry, pulling the two along. "What is she talking about?" Draco asked.

"Dumbledore's secret weapon." I answered with a shrug. 

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