Dear Freddie.

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Dear Freddie,

Life has changed so much. Not a day goes by that I don't miss you. But each day seems to get better with time, I still can hear your laugh and I still see your smile in George. He and Ron are running the joke shop. You'd be so proud of them. Ginny and Harry got married but who didn't see that coming? They are having a baby boy, don't tell anyone I told you this, but they are naming him James Sirius Potter. What a name, right?

Your love, Eliza.


Dear Freddie,

Bill and Fleur had a baby girl named her Victoire. They are pregnant again, another girl I am assuming. Figures, your mum had all boys and one girl, and her grandchildren will be all girls and James Sirius. Percy married Audrey and you guessed it had a little girl, named her Molly. Ron and Hermione recently had a little girl, Rose. Beautiful name if you ask me. George and Angelina of course had to have a son, named him Fred. Your mum adores having the grandkids around the house. I take Teddy by and let him play. He is just like Remus but has the skills Dora. He had red hair the other day and scared Rose, but we told her it was okay.

Your dear, Eliza.


Dear Freddie,

My mum is doing great, Teddy and I stay with her sometimes. She uses her days for gardening, which of course is her favorite thing to do. I even hear from Draco from time to time. He is married to a lovely girl, they had a son, Scorpius. He was born around the same time as Albus. Lily Luna has taken a passion in flying. The grandkids have doubled since the last time I wrote. Harry and Ginny are up to three, Ron and Hermione have two, George and Angelina have two, Percy has two, Bill has three ended with a son. George has talked me into dating again, what I thought would be a disaster wasn't. I feared of falling in love again, I feared it terribly. But I did it and I don't regret it for the world. This is the part of my letter where I don't know how you will feel, I know how you felt about mine and his friendship at Hogwarts. The family approves of this lad, your brothers made sure he was worthy of dating me. Harry did as well. It is Oliver Wood. I never thought I would see myself with a quidditch player but here we are. Teddy loves him, he has taught him a lot. You are looking at the future Mrs. Elizabeth Weasley Woods. George told me to drop Weasley, but Oliver insists I keep it. You are my life and have been for so long. So we honor you everyday.

Until next time, Your darling girl, Eliza.


"Oi! Eliza have you seen my broom? I fear the twins got it and mischievously hid it." Oliver said walking over to me as I placed the letter in the envelope. "Writing Fred again?" He kissed my head. I was lucky to have a husband who understood the thought process in these letters. 

"Yeah, broke the news that I married some Quidditch player." Oliver chuckled softly and helped me stand to my feet.

"Well, this quidditch player owes him loads." The sound of little feet running in the house brought joy to both of our faces. "Mummy! Teddy showed me how to make a feather float!" I smiled and looked to Oliver who held a smile on his face.

"Oh really? Well, my darling girl, why don't you go tell Teddy that we are leaving soon for the platform." I smiled wide and jumped out of Oliver's arms and ran squealing. 

"Marlene! Careful dear!" Andromeda laughed as she stood in front of us. "Regulus and Remus is asleep, so you two take the time you need at the platform, and then go by and see a Madame Pomfrey, I am dying to know what my next grandbaby will be, and I know Molly is as well. We will be fine here." Oliver smiled at his mother in law and then to me.

"We are hoping this new little one is another girl."


Dear Freddie,

My life with you is something I am always thankful for. You were the first boy I ever loved, the only boy I thought I could ever love. I've been so lucky in my lifetime to know love from all sorts. I think this is the letter where I introduce some people to you. You know Edward Remus Lupin, Teddy we call him. I will never forget the day I saw you holding him. I knew in that moment I wanted you to be a father. Next we have Marlene Ginny Wood, oh boy she is a handful, they say she looks like me but I don't know where her spunk comes from. Then, I know you will get a kick out of this the twins Regulus Sirius Wood and Remus Oliver Wood, I wanted to honor the men in my family I never knew Regulus but I was glad I gave him the name. Remus is definitely his uncle made over. And finally, Andromeda Molly Wood. These kids are my world, it is odd to think you aren't here, but I couldn't ask for a better father for these little ones, I know you would agree. When Marlene started her first year at Hogwarts, she was sorted into Ravenclaw. Freddie not a day goes by I don't think about you, and life we shared, and the happiness we had for so many years. I love now because you taught me how to, and for that I am grateful Fred. You loved with your whole heart and I can only hope that my kids love the way you loved. Or find someone in their life, that teaches them how to love the way we had loved.

Yours always,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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