I'm Not Ready To See Her.

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This break was hard. 

This break sucked. 

This break I have done nothing but be angry at Elizabeth. This is the worst thing, my best friend has lied to me since the moment I met her. How could I ever trust her again? "Fred?" I looked up and saw my mother standing there. "Dear you must come down. It is time for breakfast." I nodded and walked down following my mother. I sat in my spot at the table which held a letter from Elizabeth. I rolled my eyes and threw it aside. "Oh come on, Fred. How many letters is she going to have to write?"

"I wish she would stop." I snapped at him. 

Truly I did not know if that's what I wanted, but right now I don't ever want to hear from her again. "She probably lied on the letter just like she lied to all of us." I noticed my mum shift uncomfortably. I looked at her and my father. 

"You knew?!" I stood up. My own mother and father knew. 

"Fred, we knew her before. I knew who she was the moment I saw her on the platform." I scoffed and looked at her.

"So you kept that from me?!"

Mum stood up and glared at me. "I will not have you yelling at me, Frederick Weasley!" I shoved my chair and stomped up the stairs. I heard footsteps following me. I turned and looked at Ginny. "Not now."

Ginny stared at me. "Fred, she lied to me too. But I have forgiven her, why can't you?" I stood there and the only thing I could think of was that moment from last year in Potions class:

I stepped in front of the Amortentia. I didn't trust this potion. There was no way a potion was going to show me who I was supposed to be with just by a smell.





I looked up with wide eyes and saw her. It was Elizabeth. I don't think there is anyone in this world I could find that I would want to smell other than Elizabeth. In a way maybe I did know it was supposed to be her. I trust her with my own life. We have a motto: we tell each other the truth, always. 

"Oh come on, Freddie." George looked at me. "Don't be scared. It's okay to love her. You have since you were twelve years old." I shoved him and rolled my eyes. 

I made up my mind that I was going to tell her tonight, and ask her to be my girlfriend. George and I came up with a plan to make her not suspicious. Once she was gone, I ran up to my dorm and grabbed the flowers, and ran back down. I put out her favorite candy from HoneyDukes. I sat on the sofa and waited for her to show. After hours of her not coming back the panic rose in my chest. "George, what if something happened?" I stood up and began pacing the floor. 

"I can't forgive her because she lied to me. To me of all people. The one person she could trust she didn't tell me. I was worried sick about her being missing and she comes in and tells me she is Sirius Black's daughter." Ginny rolled her eyes at me and put her hands on her hips. "Fred, this is the dumbest thing you've ever done. She is your best friend. Just talk to her."

"Ginny, I am not ready to even look at her." 

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