Daddy Dearest.

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We were all summoned to the common room early that morning. I laid my head on Fred's shoulder as I noticed Ron was in hysterics. "I was NOT dreaming, professor! He was standing above me holding a knife!" He shouted. 

That woke me up instantly. I looked at Harry and he was looking at me. "Okay Mr. Weasley. Percy keep everyone in the common room tonight. I will send professors up to search the tower." I sat in the far corner looking into the fireplace. I felt someone put their hands on my back and I jumped and felt my breathing pick up quickly. "Just me, darling." Fred whispered into my ear. I cringed and shook my head. "Don't call me that." I snapped at him. His famous smile dropped and wrapped both arms around me. "Go back to sleep. I will keep watch and make sure nothing happens to you." I turned to him. "And Harry." Fred's word were comforting enough for me to close my eyes. 

I didn't know if I was frightened more by my father being Sirius Black or if I was afraid of how things will change when people find out I am Elizabeth Black the daughter of a murderer. When I opened my eyes I saw Harry looking at me. I knew he wanted to finish our conversation. I wiggled out of Fred's grasp. " So much for keeping an eye out, Weasley." I laughed and walked over to Harry. "Who knows?"

"Andromeda, Ted, Molly, Arthur, Bill Charlie, Dumbledore, McGonagall. I think Snape, he hates my guts." Harry laughed and nodded his head. "Draco." When I said the last name Harry stared at me. "You told him?"

"He's my cousin. His mother must've told him. Because he hasn't ratted me out. I think Narcissa is the only person in that side of the family with somewhat of a heart." Harry nodded his head once more. He looked back at Fred and George and I shook my head. I turned my attention to Ron who had a few rough weeks. 

First, Scabbers went missing, everyone reckoned Crookshanks ate him. Fred and George tried making him feel better by telling that he hated him, and that he was boring. Next, Buckbeak is being sentenced to death, and now this my father scared the wits out of him. 

I looked back down at Fred thinking about everything. "Lads, I need the map." I whispered to Fred and George. "E, we gave it to Harry." My jaw dropped as I looked at them. I wanted to curse them both for this. I needed that things the most right now. "Everything is going to be alright Eliza. Go back to sleep." George said softly. I could tell George was worried about how pale I was. I had my eyes closed as I tried to drift off into sleep. "Living the dream huh mate?" George asked Fred. I could feel Fred looking down at me. "Shove off, mate." 


I was called by Uncle Moony to help grade papers. Little did I know I would not be grading papers but Lupin would be dragging me along to the Whomping Willow. "Bloody Hell, Uncle Moony! Slow down!" 

He didn't stop, he raised his wand. "Immobulus." He turned to me. "Come along." This was an awful huge request from a man I haven't seen in years as well as someone who sends a birthday card every year. I followed him down the path. I followed him into the room. "Expelliarmus!" He pointed to Harry. "Remus!" I ran over to Harry and looked over him, I then checked Ron. "Elizabeth behind you! He's behind you." Ron cried. 

I turned as I saw the man in the corner. Shaggy hair, a rugged man, Azkaban suit a mess. I could only stand there in shock. I stared at the man, who was almost in tears staring back at me. I was startled at Hermione yelling. "I trusted you!" I turned to look at Hermione as she shouted at Remus. "And all this time, you've been his friend." I looked at Remus who looked at Hermione. Then my eyes were locked on Sirius Black. "You see Harry I thought he was guilty too, until the other night when you told me about Peter Pettigrew." 

Laughter and Darkness. (A Fred Weasley fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now