I Am Up To No Good.

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The map revealed all the secrets it hid behind the charm. I gasped softly. "Oh my..." I mumbled softly as I stared at the map with amazement. "The Marauders Map." I mentioned quietly.  "Oh my there's McGonagall." I pointed as her footsteps moved as she did. "She's with Dumbledore." Fred looked at me and I smiled. "You guys are amazing!" Fred smiled awkwardly. 

I couldn't take my eyes off of the parchment. "And to close it you say Mischief managed." The map slowly started to disappear, "Guys this is the coolest thing I have ever seen. I can't believe you got out of Filches office with it!"

George chuckled. "He must've thought it was dangerous. It was in a box marked danger. But I don't see how." I raised my eyebrow staring at the both of them as I shook my head slowly. "Maybe if it fell into the wrong hands such as two trouble-making twins." They chuckled at my comment. But I wasn't wrong. These two have caused more trouble than anyone I have ever known. "We do not cause trouble!" George said, holding his hand to his chest like a wounded soldier. I simply rolled my eyes. 


When we arrived at the castle we quickly found our place at the table and sat down to eat. "Oi! Fred, George. You two are trying out next year right?" Oliver Woods asked, sitting next to us. Oliver was the same year as Percy. He was also one of the most talented quidditch players I had ever seen. He was also very handsome. "Charlie here was telling us how you two nearly killed your brother, Ron." The twins nodded their heads and smiled.

 Of course they were going to play quidditch. Charlie was the best seeker for the team the school has had in years. Since, James Potter. "Yeah we are trying out! Dad was talking about it as well." Fred answered for the both of them. I was placed between Fred and Oliver as they discussed the game. They had a match coming up against Hufflepuff. And most were worried about. "Cedric is a bloody good seeker." Oliver spoke. I nodded my head in agreement. "There is no one like him." Fred added. I made eye contact with Charlie from across the table. He cleared his throat. "Other than you, mate." Oliver added quickly. "You're the only one who gives him a run, Charlie." Charlie placed his Fantastic Beasts: and Where to Find Them book on the table. "Of course I do. I am much faster, I have better eyes, and I am way more handsome." He winked at me and I laughed softly. "The first two yes, the last one is up for debate." I spoke up and smiled.


I stood in the stands with my hands in the pockets of my thin jacket. I should have grabbed a thicker jacket since I was coming out here to support my house. "I can't believe you actually decided to join us today, E!" Angelina Johnson, one of my dearest friends, spoke. "After the way Charlie was talking the other day, I simply could not miss it." I answered with a smile.

 Angelina and Katie were always in awe when they saw me talking to Charlie. It was like their eleven year old brains couldn't comprehend that I was a dear friend to him. But was I? He knew my secret, he knew me when I was little. There is a connection there but I still do not see how. "He looks so incredible on a broom." Katie added with a giggle, earning other giggles from the girls around us. 

"Bloody hell, he looks like the rest of them on a broom." Fred groaned and caused the group of girls to glare in his direction. I looked up at him and shook my head. "Actually he doesn't." I smirked. "He has great hair." Fred glared at me. "So do George and I but I don't see you girls giving us googly eyes." He folded his arms over his chest. 

"Because you're not on the quidditch pitch Freddie." She patted her best friend on the shoulder. Fred stared at me, it was the first time I had ever called him Freddie. "No, no! I will not be given a pity pat!" He said dramatically after a few moments. "Women love the Weasley's!" He smiled, which caused the girls to break out into laughter.

As the match started the whole Gryffindor side were clapping and chanting. Charlie was zooming around like it was nothing, he truly did look amazing on a broomstick. "C'mon Charlie!" I shouted. It was so out of character for me. I never got excited about things like this. I noticed Fred out of the corner of my eye smirk to himself. We all were on the edge of our seats watching the two seekers go after the snitch. When Charlie caught the snitch Lee Jordan announced. "GRYFFINDOR HAS WON THE HOUSE CUP!" Every Gryffindor was hugging one another, I turned and hugged Fred. We hugged for a moment longer than we did the rest. Unknown to us Percy nudged George and pointed. We looked at one another and my pale cheeks were hot as were Fred's fair skinned cheeks. 


A year had come and gone, like I had blinked. The first part of the year I spent my time worry about the secret that I had to keep. The last part of the year I had what I like to call the 'Weasley Effect'  I had no cares in the world, I was with my best friends in the entire world and we were learning new things about one another. The ride to Kings Cross was a lot faster than the first time around. We were all in the same compartment. Fred, George, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Dora, and I. Surely, we were going to get fussed at but we did not care. "Bill, it is going to be so weird without you next year." He chuckled and nodded his head.

"Yes, but I will be glad that there are no more tests that lie ahead in my future." Bill joked. 

"You'll still have us." Charlie smiled and bumped Dora. I nodded looking around to Fred and George. Everyone came off the train as happy as we could be.

"Did you all have a good year?" Ted asked, looking round. We nodded our heads as I walked over to Andromeda, who wrapped both arms around me. "Eliza you must come visit us over break!" Fred said. George was quick to nod his head in agreement. "Yes! E, you must!" Molly and Andromeda shared a look and a smile. "Now I am sure we can work something out." We all hugged one another and said our goodbyes as we were walking Andromeda looked at me. "Did you enjoy your first year?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, I can not wait to go back next year!"

Laughter and Darkness. (A Fred Weasley fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now