Triwizard Tournament.

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"The Dark Mark? Andromeda questioned.

Sirius looked at Ted. "Are they certain it was the Dark Mark?" Ted nodded his head as he read through the letter. "Barty Crouch's house elf conjured it with, Harry's wand." Ted read. My head shot up, and my heart fell to my stomach. The first person I thought of was Fred. "Is everyone alright?" Ted nodded his head and turned to me. I think they realized I was still in the room. "Yes, everyone is at the Burrow. Molly says we will see them tomorrow."

I finished packing my things and began to move them downstairs and I was stopped at the door by Sirius. "Where will you go?" I asked him. I was sad, this summer with him has been amazing. I knew it wasn't safe for him to stay in one place. He knew he was pushing it by staying here all summer and writing to Harry. "Darling, I don't want you worrying about that. If I am miles away or right beside you, I will always be close to you." He kissed my forehead and smiled at me. He was trying to convince me that everything was going to be okay. "Try and talk to Fred while you are there. He can not stay mad at you forever. The way Andromeda says he looks at you like you might as well hung the moon." I laughed softly and shook my head. "

I don't know about that anymore." Sirius kissed my forehead once again and placed his hands on my shoulders. "I will write to you, I promise. I love you, darling girl. Have a safe year." I nod. I walked to the door once again and I turned around and wrapped my arms around him once more. "I will see you at Christmas."


I walked onto the platform. "GEORGIE!" I shouted and ran over to him, hugging him tightly. 

"I got you a bobble head." He laughed and pulled out the bobble head.

 I smiled. "The Irish won, I take it." He nodded proudly. I looked around to see if I could see him. "He's on the train with Lee." I sighed and walked onto the train with George. He went to open the door to the compartment and I went to walk in. "He won't care if you ride with us, E." I sighed and walked in taking a seat next to Lee who smiled at me. Fred did not even look at me, he stood up and walked out. This is the first time in six years that we haven't rode together.

Dumbledore had just given the speech about the Triwizard tournament, which of course everyone was excited about, until the age restriction. "That's Rubbish!" The twins shouted. I watched as Dumbledore went on about the rules, and the other schools. "Oh, it's Victor Krum!" Ron said and watched as Krum went down to sit at the Slytherin table. The Triwizard Tournament sounded dangerous, and something to boost the Ministries ego.

We were sitting in the Great Hall. I sat with Hermione and I saw the twins run in.

"Well lads, we've done it!" George said with a smile on his face.

"Cooked it up just this morning!" Fred shouted as they ran into the Great Hall. Hermione and I shared a look.

"It's not going to work." We sang in unison. 

George went to my left. "Oh yeah?" He asked with a playful smirk.

Fred on Hermione's right. "Why's that Granger?" He asked ignoring the fact that I was even sitting there looking right at him. "You see that?" I pointed, the twins looked at the age line and then looked back to both of us.

"You see this? That is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself." She said looking at Fred with her brow raised, George giving her the same dumbfounded look Fred was giving Hermione. "So?" George question. 

Hermione huffed and closed her book looking at the twins. "So?" She said completely flabbergasted. I put my hand on Hermione's shoulder. "So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly fooled by something so pathetically dimwitted as an aging potion." I explained and Hermione nodded her head. "That's why it's so perfect." George smiled.

Fred leaned into Hermione. "Because it is so pathetically dimwitted." The twins stood up and shook their potions, opening their viles.

"Ready Fred?" George asked.

Fred nodded. "Ready George."

"Bottoms up." They said in unison. 

They took the potion they didn't even wait to see if it would have a side effect before jumping in. "YEAH!" They high fived and dropped their names in. I shared a look with Hermione. When nothing happened when they dropped their names in they high fived again. I was sick to my stomach. I can't believe this worked. I didn't want them to do it. I was happy when the goblet started throwing out a defense of blue light to the twins and throwing them out. The two sat up arguing over who said it would work, then they started throwing punches. They were separated from one another and taken to the hospital wing for Madam Pomfrey to fix the spell. I waited in the common room. 

When Fred walked in I stormed up to him. "You are the most careless boy I have ever met in my life, Frederick Weasley!" I shouted at him. These are the first words I had spoke to him since last year. Fred let out a dry chuckle and glared at me. "Is that so?" He spit at me and I stood my ground while I nodded. "Me? Careless?" He shook his head. "How dare you stand there and call me careless."

"Careless, dumb, and downright stupid." I shouted at him. 

Fred was fuming as I yelled at him. "I, I.." He ran his hand over his bright red angry face. "I may be careless but at least I am not a liar. You lied to me our whole friendship. You have a whole secret life that I don't even know about! I do something for eternal glory and I am careless."

I nod my head and look at him. "Yes! Because you were making this aging potion and you didn't even care about who this would affect? What if it would have worked? Then what? Sure you make it through the first challenge but what happens if you didn't? What about your mum? Ginny? What about me?" Fred shrugged his shoulders. "Did you ever stop and think about how this would affect us?" He shook his head no. "That is the most selfish thing you have ever done, Fred."

Fred nodded and rolled his eyes. "Selfish? That is something you know very well, huh Elizabeth." I stood there quietly as he stormed away.  

Laughter and Darkness. (A Fred Weasley fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now