Bars On The Windows.

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This was one of the best summers I had spent. Elizabeth was staying with us. They wouldn't tell us why. But I wasn't one to complain because I got to hangout with my best friend. "Be quiet, Ron!" I yelled at him as he bumped into mum's chair. We all jumped when we heard Elizabeth from the couch.

"Where in the bloody hell are you three going?" I walked over to her and knelt down. It took me a moment to get over how she sounded right now. "To save The Boy Who Lived." I whispered. She laid back down and closed her eyes. "We will be back before they wake up, or before dad gets home." I explained to her carefully. 

"You three are going to be The Boys Killed By Molly Weasley. If she finds out." She mumbled as her eyes closed once again. I couldn't help but chuckle softly. "Let's go Lads." 

We got into dad's car that he got from work. We flew it all the way to Surrey. There were bars on his windows, these muggles were truly the worst kind. We pulled the bars off as Harry rushed to put his things in the trunk. He jumped in as Harry's uncle tried to grab him. "DRIVE!" Ron shouted and George floored it. We flew all the way home, when we got home we snuck in and I picked up some food on the table. I couldn't believe we actually pulled this off. I looked over and Elizabeth was still asleep. 



"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" I jumped up from Molly shouting. Molly turned to Harry. "Harry, so good to see you dear." I rubbed my eyes and looked over to the Weasley's being scolded. "Bed's empty! Car gone! No note! You could have died! You could have been seen!" Molly folded her arms as I walked over and smiled at Harry. "Of course, I don't blame you Harry, dear." Molly smiled at Harry.

"They were starving him, mum. Put bars on his window." I looked at Fred and he nodded as confirmation. I then looked at Harry. "You best hope I don't put bars on your window Ronald Weasley."

We were all sitting around for breakfast. I heard Ginny coming downstairs. Breakfast was a bit tense, I was sitting next to Fred. "Mummy, have you seen my jumper?" Ginny asked. She then looked at Harry as Molly mentioned it was on the cat. Then Ginny ran right up the stairs. "Uh, what did I do?" Harry asked, looking at me.

"I believe she has a small crush on you, Harry." Ron went into detail about how annoying it was for Ginny to constantly talk about Harry. Fred and George began to snicker at that conversation which I elbowed them both. "Good morning Family!" Arthur said coming into the house. He kissed Molly about the raids, as he kissed her cheek. I was actually quite excited about this conversation that was about to happen. Arthur looked at Harry raising his brow. "And who are you?" 

Harry looked at him. "Oh I'm Harry sir, Harry Potter." Arthur looked at him with a small smile, he was in disbelief. "Are you really?" 

Harry nodded. "Ron has told us a lot about you. When did he get here?" I smirked and looked at the twins.

"This morning, your sons flew that enchanted car to Surrey and back last night." Arthur blinked and looked at them. "How did it go?" Molly gasped and hit his shoulder. I looked at Harry who also wanted to laugh at this moment. "I mean, that was very wrong boys. Very wrong indeed." I shook my head and picked my fork up and began to eat. Arthur was talking to Harry about rubber ducks, which Harry was more than happy to oblige to answer. 

Errol, Percy's owl, flew to the house. I hoped so badly he would make it in the open window but he did not. He ran right into the glass. "Percy, will you get the post?" He nodded and walked over opening the letter. "Oh, it's our Hogwarts letters. They've sent Elizabeth's and Harry's as well." Percy passed out all the letters and I read through mine saying that my things were already there, thanks to my aunt and uncle. Which caused me to look at Harry from across the table. How was it that the two of us lived the same fate? Parents both gone. We live with our aunt and uncle. But Harry, the boy who saved the wizarding world, got the worst end of the deal. While I lived a good life when it was my father's fault he was orphaned as a baby.

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