Welcome to Number 12 Grimmauld Place.

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Number 12 Grimmauld Place. The place my father was raised. The new headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. And my new home. When we got to the Burrow over break we did not stay there long, we moved in to Grimmauld Place to keep us safe. Plus half of the new Order is full of Weasley's. Arthur, Molly, Bill, and Charlie. Charlie was in Romania still he was recruiting wizards there.

 When I woke up the next morning I made my way downstairs. "Good morning Kreacher." I said, smiling at him. He grumbled as he walked by me. I passed by a portrait of my grandmother. "Blood traitor." She screamed at me. 

I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen. "Dad, why is your mother calling me a blood traitor?" 

He groaned and rolled his eyes. "She believes you to be your mother." I nod and sit down at the table. "But you and Mum are both Purebloods." 

"Yes, but we chose the wrong side." He mentioned and I nodded my head. I looked up at Molly and smiled. "Have the twins passed their test?" I asked excitedly and Molly only shrugged. In the wizarding world you have to pass the apparition test to be able to apparate in and out when you come of age.

 "Passed it first try, Lizzie!" George appeared next to me causing me to let out a scream. Then I felt two arms around my waist picking me up. "Yeah, darling! Have any faith in us?" He asked and I hit him when he placed me back on the ground. I felt my father's eyes on us. He knows how much pain I was in last summer before the start of term from Fred. He is just not sure how to take Fred Weasley these days. I turned to put my full attention on Fred. "How is the shop coming along? You reckon it will be ready by the end of the school year?" I asked. I watched how their faces lit up as they talked about the shop. "Should be. Hoping for it right after we graduate."

We all sat around the table. The Order, plus the kids. I was next to Fred and George listening to the new information as Ginny ran in. "Harry is in trouble!" She shouted and looked around. "But I feel like you already knew that." She said taking a place next to me. I couldn't handle the thought of Harry with those muggles. I turned and saw my father standing there. I walked over to him. We have had this argument before, but I was more intent now more than ever to make Harry move in with us. "They don't understand him! They don't get what he is feeling! He saw someone murdered right in front of him! And they still treat him poorly! He must move in here."

Sirius sighed and shook his head. "He is perfectly safe where he is at." I glared at him and put my hands on my hips. "He is not! That is a load of rubbish and you know it!" My father knew all too well of Petunia Evans Dursley. He saw first hand at how she treated James, and Lily both. "ELIZABETH!" He raised his voice. "This is the end of this conversation." I stared at him. He could not be serious right now. "Dumbledore said-"

"That's all we ever listen to! Dumbledore! Like he knows what is best for HARRY. Maybe he doesn't! Maybe I should go get Harry myself." I began to storm away and he grabbed my hand. "You are not going anywhere. I will lock your door and keep you in there. The Order is going to get Harry and you will wait here."

I stormed up the stairs and I heard footsteps following me. "Not now." I shout at them and they continue to follow me. "Eliza." Fred started and I slammed the door in his face. That didn't work anymore since he could apparate in and out of places. Harry finally got here and I could see it on his face. He was pissed. 

"None of you told me?" He searched the room for his friends' sorry eyes. He was of course shocked to find mine were just as angry. "We wanted to, mate." The others nodded their head. Fred was looking at me, he knew what was about to happen. "But when Dumbledore says something, everyone forgets they have a mind of their bloody own." Everyone stared at me. Harry had stormed to his bedroom and I looked around.

Molly called us down for dinner and we all sat in silence. I was angry with my father and Harry was angry with literally everyone in the room. But Sirius was telling Harry literally everything. "Sirius, that is enough. He doesn't need to know all of this information." Molly scolded.

"I think it is Harry's decision of what he wants to hear." I was tired of Harry being left in the dark while we all get to know things that he should. I looked over and saw my father smirking victoriously. "But I also believe that a fifteen year old wizard doesn't need to know everything." I paused and saw the betrayal on Harry's face. "I mean bloody hell I am seventeen and I do not wish to know what I know." Harry smiled at me. I nod towards him. The owls brought in our Hogwarts letters. I read through mine carefully. "I AM HEAD GIRL!" I smiled widely and my father hugged me tightly. "Hermione and Ron are prefects." Sirius shook Ron's hand and I looked over to Harry who looked like he was about to explode with anger.

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