Christmas Joys & Disasters.

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Christmas rolled around, it was the first time I had seen Harry since before term. 

"Wait Draco what?" Harry stared at me. I know it was hard for them to understand my feelings for Draco. Yes, he was a bit of a prat. But he was family. 

"He's a Death Eater." Harry said. 

I shook my head. I couldn't grasp it. He was just a boy. He was... sixteen. My mind immediately when to my uncle. My uncle was only sixteen when he became a Death Eater. Regulus Black was only sixteen years old when he took the mark. The difference between the two was Regulus was brilliant and a powerful wizard to earn his mark at that age. Draco's is a punishment. 

"He's just a boy." I mumbled softly. 

Ron scoffed. "He's a pureblood git." I shot Ron a look and Fred hit his brother in the back of the head. Usually I would fuss at Fred for that but this time I let it slide. I was not a fan of the Malfoy's. I did not like Lucius. I did not know Narcissa. But I do know Draco, his beliefs are thrown onto him by his father and his mother follows what her husband says. I felt somehow a bit responsible for Draco Malfoy. Someone needed to fight for him. Just like Regulus needed someone to fight for him. 

"Darling, I think it's time we tell them." Fred whispered to me. I nodded my head slowly as Fred stood to his feet. "We have an announcement." Fred spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear. I held my hand up high. "We are engaged." 

We were engulfed by everyone. Ginny and Hermione stared at the ring, Dora smiled at me, and Molly stared at me. "Welcome to the family dear." She kissed my cheek and walked past me to the kitchen. Leaving me standing there with Remus. It had been a little off between us since the night he yelled at me. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." I smiled softly. 


The night went on and everyone joked and laughed. Remus and Nymphadora hugged up in the couch. I may be the only one who found it odd that those two were a couple. "I am so happy for you Elizabeth. I know mum and dad will be as well." Nymphadora hugged me tightly.

Everyone had started getting ready for bed and looked out of the window saw Harry running. "What's going on?" I shouted. 

"Bellatrix!" Rage filled my insides. I grabbed my wand and ran out of the house following Harry. 

"ELIZABETH!" Molly screamed. 

"I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK! I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK!" Echoed through the large grass.

"You gonna get me?" Bellatrix mocked. 

Harry, Ginny, and I stood together. Then I saw her peaking from the grass. "You mad because I killed daddy?" She laughed. Her laugh made my skin crawl. "You gonna kill me?" I threw any jinx I could think of in that direction but she took off when Arthur, Remus, and Dora reached. Remus wrapped his arms around me tightly. Then we saw the Burrow go up into flames. 

"Molly." Arthur whispered and took off. We all followed him and when we reached the house I ran right to Fred and wrapped my arms around him. He held onto me tightly. I bit my lip. I couldn't shake that this was my fault. Yes, they were after Harry. But I knew Bellatrix was toying with me. 

I stood in my fathers bedroom and looked out of the window. I sighed closing my eyes when I heard Fred walk in behind me. "You broke your promise." 

"I know." I mentioned. 

"You went after her. She is powerful Elizabeth!" He shouted. 

"I know." I agreed. 

He sighed. "You could have been killed." 

"I KNOW!" I shouted at him. "I know it was stupid, and reckless, and I know I promised I wouldn't, but she just has this thing over me." 

Fred turned and looked at me. "She killed him." He nodded. He wrapped his arms around me and I laid my head on his chest. "I'm sorry I broke my promise." I whispered.

"I don't want you killed, okay?" He said he wasn't angry, but it was all over his face. He, like me, just did not want to argue anymore. "I love you, E. We're going to start a family, I can't do that by myself." He kissed the top of my head. 

"I promise I am done going after her."

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