Family Memories.

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Summer is usually the most fun I have. But this summer was different. I get to spend time with my dad. On the other hand I have written to Fred everyday and I have not received a letter back. I walked downstairs and sat at the table. 

"Good morning Elizabeth." I smiled at Sirius sitting there. Sirius is so much fun, he is almost just like me. When I first got home I did not want to tell him a lot. I had that fear of losing him. But now I am telling him every aspect of Hogwarts and he has yet to be bored. "I know for a fact I made the potion perfectly, but Snape marked me off because I talked back. I didn't."

 Sirius chuckled and shook his head leaning into me. "That might be my fault. He and I didn't get along in school." I rolled my eyes. "But you get potion making from your mum, she was brilliant at potions." Eliza looked at photos that were stored away for this moment, I assumed. Or for whenever I was ready to talk about him. "That's James holding me?" Sirius nodded his head. "Blimey, he looks just like Harry." I said, running my finger over the photo. I picked up another of James and I. "Your uncle Prongs thought you were the reason the sun rose in the morning. When Harry was born, it made his whole life." I smiled at that sweet thing he said. I didn't remember much of James. "Wait a minute. Did you say Prongs? Like Messer. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs?"

Sirius raised his eyebrow. "Darling, did you just put that together? I thought you were bright." I hit his shoulder and laughed along with him. I picked up another photo. I knew the young boy. He was in the Quidditch Case at Hogwarts. "Regulus." My father growled. "You mum was his friend, thought she could change him."

Andromeda pointed to the photo. "Look at the love in his eyes, while holding you." I nodded my head. "The git wasn't capable of love, Andromeda." I looked back at both of them and wondered what was going to happen. "He was killed sometime after this was taken." I knew Regulus was killed. Andromeda told me about it awhile back. "He looks so young."

"Eighteen." Sirius and Andromeda said at the same time. 

My father seemed to hate his brother. "He became a Death Eater at sixteen?" Andromeda nodded. I frowned, I did not want anyone to have to live that life. "You grandparents brainwashed him as a child. I left and lived with James. Mr. and Mrs. Potter was always lovely to me. I knew I always had a place at the Potters." He sighed softly. "Sometimes I wish I could've saved him. But he was so far into the blood purity and following a lunatic. But you mum tried, Andie tried..."

"Did you?" He looked up at me and admitted he did not try hard enough. Andromeda placed a hand on his shoulder. The two seemed so close. I would have asked more questions but I kept my mouth shut for now. "Post is here!" Ted shouted with a smile on his face. I stood up with a hopeful look on my face. "One from George." I frowned and nodded while taking the letter. 


I want you to know, I am not upset with you. I hope my letters have made that clear. Dad got tickets to the Quidditch World Cup! We're taking Harry. He is safe with us. Fred gave his cousin the Ton Tongue Toffee. His tongue grew four feet! Can you believe it? It worked! Mum also found all our order forms and destroyed them, and Fred was in so much trouble. He snapped at mum. He has been so crabby lately. I have tried to get him to open up about you, but he is just stubborn as ever. I hope you're doing well. Give my best to your Andromeda, Ted, and dad? See you soon. 


"Harry is with the Weasley's. He is safe. They are going to the Quidditch World Cup." I frowned. I wished I was going with them. "He says Fred won't even talk about me to him." I put the letter down and looked around. "But it's okay. I mean we're best friends." I said. Trying to convince myself more than those standing around. "Oi, Dad can you sign my Hogmead form." I handed over the slip. What I was not ready for was Ted and Sirius both reaching for it. There was a time in my life where I did call Ted, dad. But right now I felt awkward. "Sirius, I do believe she meant you."

I went upstairs for a moment and stopped as I came down. "Tonks, I do hope you aren't angry about what happened earlier." I heard Ted laugh softly and I ducked to see him shake his head. "Of course not. You are her father." Ted explained and Sirius shook his head. "You two are her parents, you raised her when I couldn't, you gave her the best life when I couldn't. I don't know how I am ever going to repay you for making her the lady she is today." Ted and Andromeda looked at Sirius and smiled at him. "You do not have to repay us. We were happy to do it, now you have your girl."

Sirius sighed. "I wish I had both of them." I frowned. I was hoping he would talk about her. My mother. All I knew was she was brilliant at Hogwarts, Brilliant on the Quidditch pitch, but I feel like I don't know much about her. "Marlene would be so proud of her. She is almost the spitting image of her." 

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