Questions Arising

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"FRED!" I heard Harry shout for me from the hallway. He waved me over and I saw the girl on the floor. "E!" I sprinted towards her and dropped to my knees. "Harry what happened?" Harry stared at me, and said nothing at all. "HARRY!" He jumped and shook his head. 

"We were talking, and she passed out." George and the others followed after me. 

"You should get her to Madam Pomfrey." I picked her up and walked to the door. "Percy let me out." He nodded. Even Perfect Percy was worried about Elizabeth. She was a part of this family. I walked out and Professor McGonagall was standing there. "Mr. Weasley I-" She started then looked down in my arms. "Goodness what happened?" I shrugged my shoulders. Potter was no help in the situation. She looked at me as I stared at her, I didn't have to say any words, I reckon my eyes said it for me.

She accompanied me to the Infirmary. Where Madam Pomfrey took over right away. "Is she going to be okay?" I asked Madam Pomfrey as I held onto Eliza's hand tightly. She smiled at me and nodded her head. "She is going to be just fine." I let out a sigh of relief. "It seems as if she has overworked herself. She is worrying too much." I nod my head and look at the sleeping girl. I have never known Elizabeth to worry over a class so much that she has passed out. Yes, she worried about a lot of things but never to this point. I did not leave her side all night, I sat awake with her and held onto her.

"Fred?" I heard a whisper.

"Freddie." I grunted.

"FRED!" I jumped up and looked over and smiled at her. "What happened?" Eliza's voice held so much seriousness, I knew she was in a panic.

"You need to relax, E. You dropped talking to Harry last night because you have been worrying over classes and not snacking as much." The look on her face was not amused. "Which class is it?" 

She raised her eyebrow. "Pardon?" 

I chuckle and stand to my feet, looking down at her. "What class has you so stressed out that you are being forgetful?" She looked at me, I could tell something was going on with her but until now I didn't know what. "Potions." I nodded my head and helped her to her feet. We got back to the common room and I sat down on the couch next to George and Eliza on the other side of him. 

"Can you imagine if a murderer got into the castle?" George asked as he flipped through the paper. I turned and looked at Elizabeth who had gone white as a ghost. I offered her a chocolate frog and she denied it. I watched her carefully as she picked up a book. She tried to focus on the page, but she had zoned out. George and I looked at one another. 

"ELIZABETH!" We shouted. 

I then remembered back to last year, the boggarts. Hers was of Sirius Black. "Eliza, don't worry we will protect you from that maniac." She flashed a soft smile and nodded her head. I stood up walking over to her pulling her into a hug. Her hair smelt of strawberries. It was different, it was usually vanilla and coconut. 

We found ourselves sleeping in the Great Hall that night because of Sirius Black being caught in the castle, I didn't realize it until after classes. I was on the opposite side of the room but I could still see Elizabeth. I knew she was worried about Harry. I saw her sit up slowly as Professor Lupin knelt down next to her. "Go back to sleep, Eliza. He isn't here any longer." I heard her sigh.

"I don't think I can." I made a note to talk to Neville about writing down his passwords to get into the castle. "Sleep darling girl. Tomorrow is a new day." I raised my brow at that. I didn't know Professor Lupin knew Elizabeth. But he must have known Andromeda and Ted. 

All I know right now is that I have a lot of questions for her. 

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