His Darling Girl

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Andromeda sent me to the Leaky Caldron a week before school started. For some reason she believed that if I spent my time away from her, Sirius couldn't find me. It was not because she believed my father was a bad man, it was simply because she did not know what Azkaban has done to him. He could have gone completely mad by now. 

I took a stroll downstairs for a bite to eat. "Any sighting of Black?" I looked back at the table and then turn my attention to the food in front of me. "No, no. But he will be found." I chuckled. If he wants to be found, he will be found. "I just hurt for Harry, and you know he had a daughter?" I turn my head. "Rumor is she was killed that night with all the McKinnons." That was the woman who spoke I couldn't tell who she was. "I heard Ted and Andromeda took her in, and she's been going to Hogwarts." The other voice said and I nodded. "For the girls sake, I hope the second one is wrong."  The man wished me dead? I shook my head slowly as I turned I saw Harry. I ran over to him and hugged him tightly. "I heard about what you did to your aunt, I am glad you're okay." He nodded his head.

I went with Harry to talk to the Minister and he laughed it off. I knew it was because of Sirius. "So Harry isn't getting in any trouble?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "Uh, no, no. We aren't going to be sending anyone to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts." He looked at the both of us and smiled. "You two do not be wandering at night okay? It is not safe." Harry and I went straight to my room. He looked at me. "What do you know?" We both asked at the same time.

"About Sirius Black?" Harry asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I know so much but I don't think I should be the one to tell him. I shook my head slowly. "I know that he's a murderer." My voice was stone, like ice. 

The next morning I woke up and walked down the stairs. "Elizabeth!" My name was shouted in unison. "Fred! George!" I ran over to them and was immediately engulfed in a hug by Fred. I smiled as I held onto him as he spun me around. "Blimey I have missed you so much." He whispered into my hair. I stood back taking the two in. Their hair is longer, they are taller, they are tan. "How was your trip?" I asked, looking at the both of them. 

"It was great, you would love it!" George answered and Fred pulled me aside and held out a box. I opened it slowly with a smile on my face. It was a necklace with an emerald green charm at the bottom of it. "I saw it and thought of you." His face was slightly red, he had a nervous smile on his face, and I couldn't help but hug him tightly. "Freddie, I love it. Thank you!" 

"Come now we must get going!" Molly shouted at the lot of us. It was the same every year. I was in my compartment with Fred and George. The train ride was the same. The twins were talking about how many bathrooms they could blow up, they made a bet about the Slytherin prefect bathroom. I could only roll my eyes at the two of them. The train came to a stop, the compartment became frigid and I felt the happiness being pulled out of me by the passing seconds. 

"Is anyone else extremely cold?" I asked. Fred looked over at me and threw me his jumper. I pulled it on over my head but it didn't do any good. I was cold to the bone. "Elizabeth?" I could not answer them. I saw what seemed to be a dementor fly by our cart, it opened the door and flew right in my face. I tried to scream, I tried to beg for help. The dementor flew away as Fred wrapped his arms around me. Harry, Ron and Hermione made their way to our compartment. 

Harry had been attacked by one of those awful creatures. "Harry was just lucky that Professor Lupin was there to help." I turned my head for the first time since I looked at Fred and saw Harry with the chocolate in his hand. "Eat it." I mentioned. "It will help you feel better." I smiled softly at him and he stared at me. "E, was almost attacked by the thing." George spoke for me. Harry broke off a piece of the chocolate and handed it to me. I saw a figure walk by our compartment. Professor Lupin? Remus Lupin? A professor for Hogwarts? How was I to act towards him? How was I to pretend that he wasn't my godfather? 

"Eliza?" Ron question. I turned to him. "Fred, she alright? She looks pale." Fred turned to look at me. "Eliza?" I stood up and walked to the door. I turned back to them. "I will be back in a moment, I need some air." 

Once I stepped outside the doors I let a long sigh out. "Elizabeth?" A voice rang in my ears. I turned and came face to face with Remus John Lupin. My heart ached, I could not think of it to stand there and look at this man. A man my father trusted to take me in. A man who promised my father to look after me, and he did for a few years. He backed off when I began my time at Hogwarts. I sat in a compartment that seemed to be empty, I could not slow my breathing, I could not take in everything that was happening to me, to Harry, to my friends. 

"Eliza? Are you okay?" Oliver asked me sitting next to me. I looked up at him and he could tell something was wrong but he could also see the pleading in my eyes to not go get the twins. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and held onto me tightly until we arrived at Hogwarts. I tried to skip the feast, I wasn't hungry at all. Dumbledore explained that Hogwarts is the new home of the Dementors until Sirius Black is captured. 

I had been avoiding Fred and George for a week now. I don't know if I was embarrassed about what happened on the train, or if I just couldn't explain it but I did my very best to avoid them. I walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts class and I tried to avoid the professor at all costs as well. "Elizabeth, can I see you after class?" Remus asked. I nodded. Fred looked at me and raised an eyebrow. He was trying to figure out what I did wrong already this term to be seen after class. I brushed him off as I walked over to Remus. 

"Tea?" He asked and I shook my head no. I stood there for a moment before he began to speak. "You have your mothers smile." I raised my eyebrow. "But you look so much like your father." I laughed softly and looked at him. "I look like a killer?" I held sarcasm in my voice. "Thanks for that Uncle Moony." Remus placed a hand on mine, it took every ounce of me not to pull it away from him. "Has Andromeda signed your slip?" I shook my head no. He held his hand out. I raised my eyebrow looking at him. "She says it is too dangerous for me to be leaving the castle." Remus with his hand still out. I pulled the slip out and handed it over for him to sign. "There are perks to having your Godfather as a professor." I stared at him. "But Andromeda is right, it is very dangerous so stay close to your friends." I couldn't take my eyes off of him. "Do they know?" 

"No they don't." I answered quickly. Remus sighed and gave me a look of disapproval. I couldn't tell them now could I? All I have to do is wait for Sirius to go back to Azkaban and I won't have to deal with this. "I know everyone is worried about keeping Harry safe, but if he knows you are here, you will also be on his radar. I don't think he would ever hurt his darling girl." I winced at the nickname. "People would be foolish to think he would not come looking for you."

"I will be fine, I am always with the Weasleys." I explained to him.


"He's been spotted!" Seamus, a boy in Harry's year, shouted. Everyone crowded around him. "Sirius Black he's been spotted!" I sat in my seat and listened to the conversation that was taking place. Sirius was spotted a few towns over. It was no coincidence. He was getting closer. Harry walked over to me and I looked up at him. 

"We have to talk." Harry pulled me away from everyone. I looked at him, he was angry. If I had to pinpoint the anger, it was because he knows. "You knew? All this time? You knew everything!" He shouted at me. I shook my head slowly. 

"I, I." Harry stared at me.

 "Your father!" I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him as I shushed him.

 "Please Harry." I sighed. "Yes, I knew. I wanted to tell you."

"But you didn't" Harry snapped at me.

I shot him a look. "Because you are looking at me like I am a killer!" I yelled at him. He chuckled. "No just related to one! He killed my parents!" I nodded my head as my eyes welled with tears. 

"I know." My breathing began to pick up, like the night on the train. I couldn't slow it either. Harry looked at me and his angry expression quickly switched. He was worried. "Elizabeth." He stepped forward and I held my hand up, signaling that I needed a moment. Harry didn't leave my side though. "I'm okay." I reassured him. That was before I went crashing to the floor.

Laughter and Darkness. (A Fred Weasley fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now