Fifth Year With the Boy Who Lived.

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George and I have written to Eliza all summer. Letters upon letters apologizing to her. Today is the day they all come over for the last day of break dinner. I would not be shocked if Elizabeth didn't come at all. She hasn't answered any of our letters and I do not blame her. We were awful to her last year. We ignored her last year. 

"Mum, have you seen Scabbers?" Ron shouted as he searched under everything. This year it was just Percy, George and I, and Ron going to Hogwarts. Bill was working for Gringotts, and Charlie moved to Romania. But not before he scolded us for gits of course. 'How could you treat her that way when she has been nothing but a fantastic friend to you?' He shouted at us. But that wasn't all, Mum also yelled at us. 'You boys were the only friends she had there and you abandoned her! I raised you better than that, boys!' 

All I wanted to do was fix our friendship. "Ron, he is over here! Now hurry and put him away!" Mum shouted at him and I turned as the door opened. "Molly?" Andromeda called out. Mum wiped her hands on her apron and walked over. "Oh my Eliza! Look how you have grown!" Mum kissed the side of her cheek and walked with Andromeda into the kitchen.

She had grown, she was taller, her hair was blonder, except for the pieces in front that were jet black. If it were possible her eyes were bluer than last year. "Bloody hell, mate." George started. "Just go talk to her." I rolled my eyes and stared at my brother. "George if she hasn't answered any of my letters, and yours if I am not mistaken. What makes you think she will talk to us in person?"

George smirked slyly. "It is hard to ignore us in person." He had a point. It really was. Well for everyone who wasn't Elizabeth. She went all night without talking to us. I heard her talking to Ginny, I knew I shouldn't be standing here listening but I could not help myself. "I can not wait until I go to Hogwarts!" Ginny spoke to Elizabeth as she was braiding her hair. "You know, it is every bit as magical as you think it is." Eliza told her, it made me smile that she was close with Ginny. "You know, Fred is absolutely gutted about what he did last year, George too." I glared at her, I knew she could see me. How dare she stick her nose in where it does not belong. "He is truly sorry, I hear him telling mum and George everyday."

"GINNY!" I shouted at her and walked into the room. Both of them stared at me, Eliza shocked that I barged in like a mad man, and Ginny with a smile on her face. "Well, someone was going to have to tell her since you were too afraid too." I sighed and looked at Eliza who was looking at me. I tilted my head towards the door hoping she would agree to come talk to me. "Ginny, I will be right back." Ginny nodded her head as Eliza stood up and followed me out of the Burrow. "George and I are truly sorry for how we treated you last year." I started and she stood there staring at me. "We were right, foul gits, we were idiots, Elizabeth can you ever forgive us?" Eliza stood there looking at me, she was silent. The summer breeze was warm, it had rained so it wasn't as hot as before. "Of course, I forgive you both." I smiled and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly. "Okay Fred... You can put me down now." I heard her speak. I laughed softly as I looked down at her. 


We all made our way to the platform of course we were running late because we are the Weasley's. I heard the conversation Elizabeth had with Andromeda. "You are coming of the age where you will begin to take the best classes of all your years, just be ready." Eliza nodded and hugged her mum. Charlie told us that Ted and Andromeda took her in after the first war. Her parents were either killed or abandoned her. I don't know why anyone would do that to her, she was amazing. It made me angry to think that there is a possibility that her parents were out there and just did not care about Elizabeth. "Percy you first!" Percy ran through the barrier. "Fred you next." My mum said.

"He's not Fred I am!" George shouted.

I look at her and shake my head. "Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother." I scolded her. "Oh I'm sorry George." Mum shook her head and apologized. I gave a smile as I walked forward. "I'm only joking, I am Fred." I ran through the barrier and followed me was George and Eliza. 

We were on the train, George and I were walking around in disbelief. I ran right to Elizabeth and sat next to her. "We know something, you don't know." I said. This caused Elizabeth to look at me with her eyebrow raised. "Harry Potter is on the train." Her eyes widened. This was the reaction everyone had. "You are sure?"

"Oi! He has the scar!" George answered. I jumped on her lap causing us both to blush. "Frederick Weasley, get off me!"

"Isn't it amazing, The Boy Who Lived, coming to Hogwarts?" I said to her in awe. I couldn't tell if the girl was excited or not. "It was inevitable. He was coming to Hogwarts, this is something we all have known."

"Are you sure it is Harry Potter?" We both nodded. Elizabeth raised her eyebrow and stared at us. "He is in the compartment with Ron! Go look for yourself." George replied to her. 

"You shouldn't treat him any different, he is just a boy." She said to us, "Just like Ron." 

We both gave her a look as if she had gone mad. I shook my head at her. "Ron is a git."

"Harry saved the Wizarding World." George replied. 

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