Secrets Harm Relationships

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I was all but shaking when I followed the Professor. I had not done anything wrong. I kept my nose down. How could I possibly be in trouble? "Professor, if this is about Professor Snape's class. I swear I did nothing! Although I will say my potion was perfect but I never said anything." McGonagall laughed softly and shook her head. "No dear, this is nothing about that." I nodded my head as I followed McGonagall. She left me in the office. I admired the Phoenix. He was beautiful, an amazing bird he is. 

"Beautiful isn't he?" I jumped at the voice behind me. I nodded and turned to Dumbledore. "Elizabeth, I know you are wondering why I have called you to my office." I nodded my head. "It is because I found some things that truly belong to you." I turned my head to the box that was placed on his desk. "All the things in this box belonged to your parents." I felt my insides burn. I did not want to look through it.

Dumbledore pulled a quidditch robe out and I stared at it. "You mother was one of the best beaters that I have seen so far. I was hoping you would follow in her footsteps." I laughed and simply shook my head. "No, I am not much of a player, I do enjoy watching though." I smiled at him as he stared at me. "Your mother was a bright girl, with a bright future. She was strong." He told me. I guess it was to remind me that I was allowed to be myself. I have heard many people tell me I remind them so much of my mother. 

When Dumbledore pulled out a leather jacket I stared at it with admiration. I loved it so much. "This belonged to your father." When those words left his mouth I felt sick, I hated myself for liking the jacket so much. "Your father was also very bright when he applied himself. He could have been top of his class, but that could be because of your mother." He looked at me. "He loved with all of his might." 

I raised my eyebrow with a grimace on my face. "He killed people professor. And please forgive my bluntness but I do not believe that counts with loving with all his might." In this moment, in this office, I truly believed the Headmaster to be mental. He had to be mental. I was three years old when my mother was killed, and all of her family. I had aunts and uncles that I do not remember. I had grandparents that were killed. All at the same time as my mother.

How I was not killed? I do not know. Voldemort wanted to end the entire line of McKinnons because we were a powerful, pureblood family. I remember moments from my childhood with both parents. There was also a war going on but they never made me feel unsafe. I was brought out of my thoughts by Dumbledore's words. 

"You should tell your friends about them." It was at that moment in time that I knew that the Headmaster was indeed gone mad. "At the very least your mother, they will know where you get your smile from." I shook my head out of pure confusion. My whole life I was told it was not safe to tell anyone. "Secrets only harm those with relationships they hold dear." 

"Professor with all due respect, I have been told my whole life that it is not safe to tell anyone who my parents are." I let out a soft sigh. "Once everyone finds out my father was a monster I will be ruined." I whispered which caused the Headmaster to walk over to me placing a hand on my shoulder. "There are far worse men than your father my dear." 


"How much trouble are you in?" George asked as soon as I walked in the common room. I noticed Fred hitting him on his side. "What you were wondering the same thing! You haven't stopped pacing since McGonagall walked out with her." I couldn't help but laugh at the two of them. "I am not in any trouble, he was talking to me about my class schedule. He was worried I was taking too much on but I assured him I wasn't." I came up with that way to quickly. It was becoming easier and easier for me to lie to the both of them. 

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