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Right in the middle of Diagon Alley, held Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. The joke shop the twins opened, and they were doing so well. Before the start of the school year everyone decided to show up. "Hello ladies." The twins spoke as they walked up to Ginny, Hermione, and I. I liked to help at the joke shop in my free time. "Love potions, eh?" George asked.

Fred smiled leaning in. "They really do work." He smiled putting his arm around me. I shoved him off with a laugh. "Not that you need any help in that department, sis. From what we hear you're doing just fine on your own." Ginny gave us all a knowing look and held her gaze on me for a moment longer. "Meaning?" 

She put the potion down. "Meaning, aren't you currently dating Dean Thomas?"

 I held my hands up and shook my head. I know she thinks I told them but I truly didn't. "Your mum told them." We all laughed softly. Fred and George made their rounds. 

"Hey Eliza? How much for this?" I turned to see Ron standing there. "Uh five galleons I believe but talk to your brothers they may give you a discount." Ron nodded his head and went to find the twins. "Hey how much for this?"

"Five galleons." They said in unison.

"How much for me?" Ron asked. 

The twins looked at him and raised their brow. "Five Galleons." 

Ron let out an annoyed groan. "I'm your brother." 

Fred looked at George and they shrugged their shoulders. "Ten galleons." Ron huffed and walked away. 

I watched him put the item back. "No discount?" I earned a huffed from him as Ron, Harry, and Hermione walked out. 

"You are cruel to him." Fred looked at me and put his hand on my  cheek. "Does that shock you?" He kissed me quickly, making for forget to scold the both of them. 


I sat in during the Order Meeting and I was paired with Dora and Remus. Everyone seems to think I am dealing with my fathers death fairly poorly. I believe I am taking it extremely well. I work with the twins. I work with the Order. I am moving on in my life. I am happy with my boyfriend, I am happy with my job. The Order has partnered me with these two to keep an eye on me. I am fine, especially when I am sent out on missions. I think I am doing just fine. 

"Stupify!" I shout. I am throwing every defensive spell possible to the death eater. When they froze I got right in his face. I did not fear him. I had nothing to fear. "You know where she is! You tell me now!" The Death Eater laughed in my face until I held my wand to his throat. "I do not like asking twice." Remus came up behind me quickly. Alastor Moody followed suit and took the Death Eater away. 

When we arrived back to headquarters, I found myself being fussed at like a first year.

"Do you know how reckless you are being Elizabeth?!" Remus shouted. "Do you even care?" I stared at him. "There is a man upstairs waiting for you to come home. Every mission you are away he is waiting for your safe return." 

"I come home safely every time." I sassed. 

Remus placed his hands on his temples. "I don't want to be the one to give him the news his girlfriend was killed because you were acting to foolishly to focus on the job!" 

Remus was fuming, he lost his best friend, not but six months ago, and now his god daughter acting this way which would most likely get her killed.

 "Elizabeth." Andromeda started and I shook my head at her and went to walk away but I was stopped once more by Remus. "No, this is the third mission this month that you have gone not only against my wishes but everyone else!" I have never seen Remus get this angry with me. He was bright red, yelling at me. He paused for a moment as I began up the stairs. "Getting yourself killed will not bring him back! Do you understand? You getting yourself killed will kill his legacy!" I stood there for a moment and did not say a word. I heard Dora call his name. 


Once I walked up the stairs and made my way into Fred and Georges room I had a smile on my face. That dropped the moment I heard Fred's voice. "Elizabeth." He only ever used my full name when he is ready to be serious about something.

"If you're about to give me a fussing at please save it." I spoke softly as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. Fred, now has a hard time fussing at me when I am in his arms. I was hoping that would work in my favor.

 "Where is my Eliza at? My innocent, sweet, never would harm anyone, my girl. Where is my girl?" I groaned and looked up. Either he had been talking to Remus or he heard the entire argument. 

"Getting in that Death Eaters face Elizabeth? What are you thinking? This is completely out of character for you, it was downright stupid." My jaw dropped when he finished his sentence. 

"I am doing my job, Fred." I mentioned. 

"No you are on a revenge mission." He shot back.

"They killed him, no, Bellatrix killed him. I am going to find her."

Fred glanced at me and put his hands on his hips. "And what are you going to do? Kill her?" 

I nodded her head. "No, you're not. I won't allow it!"

"You won't allow it?" I questioned. I placed my hands on my hips. My eyes held anger in them. For the first time in awhile I was angry with Fred Weasley.

"No, I will not allow my fiancé to go after some maniac, like Bellatrix Lestrange." Fred said sternly. 

I was about to argue back and then I realized what he said.  "Your... Your what?" I asked softly, and Fred walked to the dresser grabbing a ring out of the top drawer. Fred dropped down onto one knee and smiled at me. "Marry me?" He asked softly.

 I stared down at him and I nodded my head slowly. "I love you so much."

Laughter and Darkness. (A Fred Weasley fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now