Challenge One: Dragons.

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The anger was bubbling in Gryffindor tower was simply overflowing. 

Ron angry with Harry.

 Fred and I were back to not speaking.

The first challenge was a few short days away. I made my way through the castle. "Eliza!" I heard a familiar voice shout at me. "Charlie!" I ran over and hugged him tightly. The second oldest Weasley hugged me and looked at me. "My how you've changed!" He looked me over. "So have you and Fred talked?" I stood there quietly and shook my head. I played with my fingers. "We yelled at each other the other night but that was about it." " He chuckled. "Wait, what are you doing here?" I asked with my head cocked to the side. Charlie pulled her in close and smiled. "First challenge is dragons." 

I gasped softly. "Charlie, that can't be safe!"

He put his hands up and smiled. "I will be there, everything will be fine."

The day of the challenge came, and everyone gathered in the seats on the quidditch pitch. I sat with Ginny and Hermione. Behind us sat the Weasleys. First was Cedric, he had nearly been set on fire, twice before getting the egg. Fleur was second, I could barely watch. I was so frightened that something bad was going to happen to the poor girl. Viktor Krum made his way out, it took him a mere hour before getting his, the shortest time out of them all. Harry came out, the crowd went silent, the silence was replaced gasps of terror as the dragon came inches hitting Harry with his tail. Screams erupted when Harry was nearly burnt to death. Fred lifted the binoculars to his wide excited eye. I put my hands over my eyes, Hermione placed them over her lips as Harry fell suddenly. The dragon roared, she was very territorial over her egg, all the dragons were but this one seemed to be the worst. 

"Your wand!" Hermione and I shouted.

"Harry use your wand!" Hermione stressed. It was a long shot, but we knew Harry heard us when he raised his wand. We stood there hands over our mouth as we waited in anticipation for the broom, once Harry jumped on the broom their hope that he possibly wouldn't die was restored.

"Yes!" We both jumped up and clapped as Harry flew around on the broom. The Hungarian Horntail broke the chain, the audience gasped loudly. She flew behind Harry, close enough to take a bite out of the broom. Harry flew above the teacher's area where all the judges, and teachers were placed, the dragon followed in close pursuit knocking the cover off and knocking Snape over. "Yes!" the twins exclaimed together.

"WELL, DONE DRAGON!" Fred shouted.

Within seconds Harry, and Horntail were not seen it felt like ages since we had seen Harry. I turned around and looked at Charlie. He smiled at me reassuringly. "He is okay, I am sure of it. Harry can fly a broomstick." He smiled. It was silent in the stadium, the professors began to worry, some Slytherins even seemed to be looking around in worry for Harry. Hermione had looked at me and we both seemed to have the same worry, before either one could say it out loud Ron tapped them and pointed. When we turned our heads we saw Harry, stood up and clapped. 

"YES!" We hugged each other when we saw him.

In the common room everyone stood there clapping as Harry held up the egg. Fred and George came up behind Harry picking him up in the air. "We knew you wouldn't die Harry!" George looked up at him.

"Lose a leg." Fred chimed in.

George counter. "Or an arm!"

"Pack it all in together!" Fred said.

"NEVER!" They shouted and bounced with Harry. 

Pavarti handed the egg to Seamus who handed it to Harry. "Shush! Go on Harry! What's the clue?" He asked and I looked at him. 

"You want me to open it?" He asked. Everyone shouted in excitement. Harry opened the egg and it released a horrible screeching noise that almost broke most ear drums. Fred and George dropped Harry to hold their ears. Harry closed it quickly. "What in the bloody hell was that?" Ron asked from behind me. George sent everyone away and up to their rooms. "Go on, this is going to be uncomfortable enough as it is without you nosey sods listening in." I walked over to the couch with the other girls. I watched as Harry and Ron talked, I turned my attention to Fred. If those two could patch things up, why couldn't we?

Later on that week we sat in the common room. I found myself in the common room more this year than before. I was helping Hermione study for a test. "He's evil giving us a test before the end of term." Ron was going on about Snape, which caused us to look up at him and shook our heads. He wasn't studying at all, he was building a castle out of Exploding Snap packs. "You act as if you were actually going to study." I laughed softly as I stood to my feet switching out my books. Hermione was hounding Harry about the egg that they almost missed Ron, singeing his eyebrow. "Nice look Ron, will go great with your dress robes." Fred said with a smirk. I sat down opening my book. "Can we borrow Pig?" George asked. 

Ron shook his head no. "He's off delivering a letter. Why do you need him?" Ron asked placing a hand on his eyebrow. "George wants to take him to the Yule Ball." This is the part where I would say something to him about being cruel to his brothers but I kept quiet. "We need to send a letter." George said sitting next to me. He knew if he sat next to me then Fred would have to look at me. "You three got dates yet?" Ron, and Harry sat there quietly in disappointment. I knew Hermione was asked a while ago. Fred turned to George, well he looked at me for a solid two seconds. But that was two seconds more than any other time this week. "You better get on with it, or all the good ones will be gone." He said simply. Ron scoffed and folded his arms over his chest. "Oh yeah? Who are you going with?"

Fred smirked. "Angelina." I looked up from my book, and stared at him. He got a date that wasn't her. It shouldn't hurt so bad, but it stung right to her very core. "What?" Ron was in shock. He wasn't expecting Angelina to go with Fred. He thought she was out of his league. She was beautiful. "You've asked her?" 

Fred smirked a wicked smirk. "Oi! Angelina!" Angelina turned her head to him. "Want to go to the Yule Ball with me?" Angelina looked at me as I turned away quickly. She nodded her head. I stood up from my spot and began to walk up the stairs. "That was cruel mate." George scolded his brother and Harry and Ron quietly agreed. "She shouldn't have lied to me." Fred said. 

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