Chapter 41

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I was in tears, feeling violated in many ways. I was left on the ground, whilst Ume had satisfied her need.

"Are you going to kill me?" I whimpered, cowardly.

"I might just have to tie you up, and keep you permanently." She got closer to me. I quickly noticed an opening. I took that as my cue.

I pumped blood through my veins, heightening my muscles, I grabbed her neck, squeezing it as tight as I could. Rage coursed through me. I saw nothing but red.

"G-get off you beast!" She cut my arms, but it was a pain that was familiar to me.

"I might be a beast, but you're the monster!" I roared in her face. "NOW TELL ME WHAT YOU'VE DONE WITH HER!"

"I don't know!" She started to cry.

"I'll snap you in half." I threatened, tightening my grasp. "Like a toothpick."

"Kai's taken her and ran!" She gasped.

I let her go and struck her in the back of the neck, completely incapacitating her. I smashed through the wall and ran towards the fight, all the while still feeling her hands touch my skin. I ran and ran, remembering my main goal of my Journey to become a hero. I needed to save Eri, that was my one goal.

When I got to the large atrium, I saw an abhorrent sight. Large spikes had been shot up by Overhaul himself. Midoriya was going to be impaled.

"Deku!" I shouted. I sprung towards him, catching him in my arms, I felt a shooting pain in my abdomen though.

"Mr Panda, your stomach." I looked down and noticed a small spike poking into my stomach.

"Eh, this thing! I'll be fine." I plucked the spike from my body and tossed it to the side.

From the corner of my eye, Nighteye held Mirio and Eri. I needed to get to her. I almost reached her but was blasted into the side of the atrium by a powerful explosion.

"Now I'll have Eri returned to me!" Overhaul shouted.

"Not going to happen." I shot in front of Nighteye, who still gripped on to the two casualties. I twirled my whip in my hand. "You'll have to go through hell before you reach her, and you're staring at him right now."

"Tch, dirty beast!" Overhaul sent more spikes towards me, but I used my whip and smashed through them. "As for you Lemillion, I hope losing your quirk was enough to teach you to not interfere with us."

My body shook at that news, Mirio. Lost. His. Quirk. I felt sickened. Deku shot into action as I was frozen in fear, protecting me from being impaled.

"Mr Panda, take care of Lemillion and Eri!" Nighteye rushed in front of me.

I ran towards the other two, just as I got there, an attack was sent my way. It was aimed for Eri. Without thinking, I jumped in to save her. An intense pain rushed through my body. I began to spit up blood as I held the small child in my hands. I spat the blood out in the opposite direction to where Eri was looking. Lemillion's eyes welled with tears.

"Is it bad?" I tried to laugh through the pain. I scooped Mirio up in my arms.

"A-amao, you saved us." He clung on to me, weakly.

"This is what goes into a work study, it's going to be my job, so why would I hesitate?" I spluttered up more velvet red blood. "You need to get out of here Mirio. You take Eri with you."

"B..but!" He started. I heard a huge explosion.

I just about managed to turn my head and stared at the scene. I let out a bloodcurdling scream. Nighteye had been impaled straight through the abdomen. Pools of his blood mixed with mine. Eri was crying. I diverted her attention away from the scene and focussed her attention on me.

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