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Aarohi Verma, a girl who is trying to have a better future and being independent. Her parents have a failed marriage and fights which leads to conclusion that even love marriage doesn't last no matter what. For her home is not her home.
She never finds peace in her home which made her move out and shift to her dorm in college.

Where she meet Ishaan Ahuja, the basketball player, the eye candy of the girls in the college. He is a playboy as he thinks it's a waste of time to believe in love as his parents also had a fail marriage.

What will they do when they will cross paths repeatedly, ending up as enemies who can't stand each other.
Will they keep on hating each other or will they find love?

Now it's time to be on their roller coaster ride

Now will he fall in love with her when they cross paths?
Will she found home in him?
Will they end up like their parents or they will have their happy ending?
Will he change for her or will he end up hurting her more?

Lot's of questions I know. For that keep waiting loviesss 😉

Will meet you soon!!

*Also this is my first time writing, and even though English have been my first language. But coming from a science stream my English is little weak. So it might have a lot of grammatical mistake. Please just don't mind and don't shower hate 🙂*

Sending you whole lots of love ❤️

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