Chapter fourteen

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Chapter fourteen

Ishaan Ahuja

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I don't know what got in mind, when I saw her mother picking up the glass bowl and throwing it towards her. She stood there lifelessly and the next moment there was blood on my hand. I know my hand is precious, but I couldn't stop myself from saving her. She had panic attack before and I couldn't make myself hear her cry. I clearly don't know what is this feeling. 

When I saw her standing there without moving an inch with tears flowing down her cheeks, my heart ached for her. I felt a stinging pain in my chest like a real physical pain and not just in words. I wanted to save her, take her away from there so that she doesn't end up getting hurt. But my instinct was to stand in front of her making the glass shatter on my arm, the same arm which is very important to me for my basketball. 

I have never done this for any other girl. I know I was a fucking asshole before going and fucking around with girls, but this feeling no one made me feel. Her eyes always makes me wonder how it will shine when she will fall in love with me. Her eyes have the most beautiful shade of brown, amber. It always drew me closer to her no matter how much I hated her from the beginning. Her eyes have the charm and power to pull anyone in and they will happily get drawn towards her. And that's exactly what is happening to me. I'm getting drawn deeper, knowing I will never be able to come out from there. 

She told a bit about her parents and why she doesn't celebrate her birthday. I was really upset and hurt that she went through all this. I know how it feels when your parents aren't an ideal couple. I know how it feels to grow up in a broken family, I have felt that and I always yearned for a better family.

She was crying continuously while mending my wounds, seeing that my heart was paining and felt like someone ripping it into pieces. And in next moment I took her in my arms. Her body warm like fire comes in contact with my body cold like ice making a soothing feeling which I have never felt before.

It was such a soothing feeling, though she was crying. But atleast I had her in my arms. She cried a lot and I held her tightly, caressed her hair. She was looking too weak when she is one of the strongest girl I have ever seen. And that broke my heart. She stopped and pulled away pointing towards my shirt which had a wet patch. As if I cared about that stupid shirt when my woman was crying. I will happily give her all my shirts to her to use as anything, I don't mind. I didn't wanted to let go but I had to after all she still might hate me.

Now I'm driving back to college and she is checking me out. When I pointed it out she blushed and started stammering. I smiled looking at her cute behaviour. And my god I love making her blush. That's it I do. That's my favourite thing now and will always be. 

It was already dark, but I still wanted her to eat something for her birthday or celebrate in a minimal kind of a way. Moreover she might be disturbed from what happened today so maybe I should just do something for her. 

So I decided to halt in front of a bakery shop and ran out without even letting her speak. Because I know if I say I'm buying muffins for her she will never allow me to do that.

I entered the bakery and the girl standing behind the counter said with a wide smile "Good evening Sir. What do you need?" I nodded and started looking around for muffin. Once I found out I pointed towards it and said "I want muffins: chocolate ones." 

I hope she likes chocolate ones, but what if she like the plain one? I was deep in my thoughts on thinking which one to choose. I even thought for a split second that I should ask her but she will be mad at me. Damn it what do I do now?

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