Chapter twenty-two

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Chapter twenty-two

Ishaan Ahuja

Target~ Votes: 40+ ; Comments: 20+ (kardo yarr target complete) 

The past few weeks have been so difficult for me. I couldn't even take a glance at my Aarohi, let alone talk to her. She locked herself in her room and didn't bother to come out except for showering or going out for something. I saw her thrice in the entire two weeks and I was happy with that, after I know how much I fucked up. I didn't approach her. I gave her space which she need. She accepted the books and muffins, which gave me a slight hope. She also accepted the muffins I brought for her but only on first day. She returned it for the next four exams. I was hurt but it's just my punishment for ruining everything.

And today there is this fest cum prom and I will do anything for her forgiveness, even if I had to kneel and beg for her forgiveness, I will and I will do it wholeheartedly. I was wearing my formals, black suit and blazer with a white shirt. I did my regular hairstyle and applied my regular perfume. I wore my black shoes, my silver wrist watch and I was done. So low effort.

I went out and waited for Shashank and Rohit. They came soon and we headed off to the auditorium. The moment we entered, the entire auditorium was filled with people and for the first time I didn't wanted to socialise and guess what Aarohi, now you are even controlling my moods.

After sometime there entered my reason of happiness: my muffin, my Aarohi. She wore a beautiful red wine, high slit dress which made her look extremely gorgeous and hot. Her hair went all the way to her mid back with slight curls. Her high slits giving me a glance for her milky legs. Here when I was thinking of begging her for forgiveness, now I want to strip off that dress from her body and fuck the shit out of her. 

I shook my head to gather my thoughts and she walked in like a fucking goddess. She was the centre of attention of the auditorium and now my life too.

She glanced at me for a split second and that was enough for me to go hard... I mean to gather all courage to ask for forgiveness. 

"Think straight Ishaan" I murmured under my breath.  

I let my intrusive thought win and started walking towards her, but I saw Vishal approached her before me. He gave a side hug and she smiled at him. My eyes went wide at their so called sweet interaction. He was laughing and smiling with her and here I was clenching my jaw. I just can't stand a single guy around her. Fuck!!

I was about to turn when a girl approached me, she hugged me which I didn't reciprocated and she said "Hi! Ishaan."

"Sorry, who are you?" I said, because I clearly don't remember who she is, fuck I can't remember anything other than Aarohi.

"Rhea." She said with a grinning smile on her face.

I furrowed my eyebrows, because I have no memory of her name "Rhea who?"

"The one, you had sex with." She said in a low voice with a smirk.

And then I realised the last girl I had sex with. I just nodded and said "Yeah, enjoy yourself." With that I just left from there.

I came back to my friends and Rohit said "Who was that girl?"

"The last girl I fucked." I said with no interest in conversation.

"Oh! She is hot." Rohit said.

"Dude I have a crazy idea." Shashank said with a wide smile on his face.

"I saw the sharp glare in Aarohi's eyes when she hugged you." He continued, and Rohit nodded his head with a smirk, leaving me all confused.

"Make her jealous, Ishaan." They both said at the same time. And I just gave them a side eye because what if things get worse by pulling off this trick. I don't want to take any risk.

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