Chapter twelve

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Chapter twelve

Ishaan Ahuja

Next morning, I woke up, took a shower and then wore my regular practice clothes. When will we get our jerseys? I talked to coach and he told we will get this year and the first semester is around the corner, but there is still no sign of jersey.

I left the room and at the same time Aarohi left her room too. She was wearing a white short kurti style top with a denim pants. Along with that she had her sneakers on. She was reading her academics book while closing the door. She looked really tensed maybe for the semester. I smiled looking at her without even realizing I was smiling.

"Good morning Aarohi." I spoke up. 

She looked up from her book and that was it for me. Everything around us didn't matter to me anymore. I never felt like this before. My heart skipped a beat again. It was thumping so fast that it could blast any second. She applied kajal and a lip tint, also a black bindi. God why someone has to be so perfectly fine. I really wanted to taste her lips now.

"Yeah Good morning." she replied in a hurried way, not really grasping the fact that someone wished her. 

"Are you okay?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. 

"No just tensed. Exams are coming." She replied and again looked back at her book.

I wanted to ask her where she was going when out of nowhere Vaishnavi came and hugged her from behind. I furrowed my brows at her touchy behaviour towards her. Why would she touch my Aarohi like that. God I have not even touched her hands yet and she gets to touch her waist and even hug her. I really wanted to snatch her from this girl.

They started giggling and gave each other an air kiss. My eyes went wide at their interaction. Why would she do that to my girl. This bitch I will kill her. She will die in my hand if she doesn't stop right now. 

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my thought. There stands Shashank smiling looking at me. And I realised I was looking at Aarohi and he probably noticed it.

"Hey babe...Happy birthday my sweet heart." Vaishnavi says, ignoring us and hugged her again.

What? Today is her birthday and why would she call her babe and sweetheart? This girl really want to die in my hands. Is she not straight? Does she have feelings for Aarohi? Is she my competition? Oh no way, Aarohi is straight. I smirked at my thought because she stands absolutely no chance. On your face bitch!

But I need to cool down and wish her birthday. But before that Shashank wished her and then I did.

"You didn't say yesterday that today is your birthday?" I asked her.

"Well maybe you didn't asked." Vaishavi says when I clearly asked Aarohi.

I turned my face towards her and threw a sharp glare "Don't you think your nose is getting too long?"

She scoffs "What?"

"I clearly asked her, then why are you aswering." I raised my eyebrow.

She made a face, God knows what and she dragged Aarohi along with her, giggling together. And just like that she just ignored me. Woah great. 

Then Shashank and I also left for the court. We started our practice and it continued till afternoon, when she and that long nose came. They started working and we continued our game, while coach guided us more.

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