Chapter six

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Chapter six

Ishaan Ahuja

We were playing out door today. And we made a team among us and started playing. Soon some girls came to cheer for us or rather for me. 

But then I saw that Aarohi came along with Vaishnavi. First I was confused why would she come and watch my game, but then I saw how Vaishnavi was dragging her to watch the game. They were sitting on the benches and eating ice cream.

 I continued my game when I saw from my peripheral vision that she was gawking at me. I felt a little adrenaline rush and started showing off my biceps without any reason and smirked.

Then Shashank came and whispered "Stop flexing and focus on the game". I chuckled and shook my head.

Rounds after rounds happened and my team was very close to winning. Then I passed the ball towards Rohit and he missed it. 

I saw that the ball was going towards Aarohi and everyone was shouting for her to move. But upon seeing she was too shocked to move. I was already running towards her when suddenly Vishal came and saved her from the ball. I halted my legs then and there.

Vishal knelt in front of her and kept her hands on her shaking knees and was calming her down. I felt like shoving his hands away from her knees. And why would she allow another man to keep their hands on her.

Strange Woman.

Her friends Vaishnavi was also calming her down. Then she glared at me with sharp eyes. I flinched back a little.

'No way she is not blaming me for this' I thought to myself.

She looked at Vishal and smiled and assured him that she was okay. Then she looked at her friend and then glared at me and left from there. I thought of following her but then again I didn't want to.

But Guess what, my legs were already running towards her. I stopped her holding her wrist. She looked back at me "What?"

God she is so rude. A minute ago she was smiling to Vishal.

"Are you okay?" I just wanted to ask.

"You don't know how to play?" she looked face to face and crossed her arms.

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah !! You threw the ball and I could have been hurt"

I knew it she was indeed blaming me. She couldn't understand or what that it was not intentional. But I tried to keep my calm, which is nearly impossible around Aarohi Verma.

"Wait! first it was not intentional and second you are not hurt." I said repeating in her tone.

"Great. So do you want an Oscar?" she said in a mocking tone.

"I just wanted to ask if you were okay." I asked her confused.

"None of your concern."

"God !! woman what the hell is your problem. Why can't you talk nicely to me, like you talk to others" I said raising my voice a little.

"Well you don't deserve sweetness. And yes I'm okay now go fuck off." She left not even giving me a chance to speak.

I lost my mind and ran towards her and held her arm and dragged towards me, colliding our chest. We were both breathing heavily. I could feel her chest going up and down. I looked into her eyes and there was fear visible in her eyes.

"You are not okay" I said looking in her eyes, finding for answer. Because there is no way she is afraid of me. The girl who argue back at me, she can never be afraid just because she almost got hit by ball. There has to be something else. 

She gulped down her throat "Why do you care? Just leave me" she tried to get rid of my hold, but she failed.

Her eyes were bloodshot red. I got confused and also was worried. For the first time me, Ishaan Ahuja is worried for a girl.

"Leave please" she got rid of my grip and started running towards the washroom on campus.

I thought of following her, but I wanted her to give her privacy. But then again what if she is not okay. 

Should I follow her ? No.

Will she kill me if I follow her? Yes definitely.

And I was already following her after my subconcious mind strictly told me not to follow her. 

So here's chapter six. 

What do you have to say about Ishaan getting all worried? 

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Sending you lots of love ❤️


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