Chapter twenty-four | Part-II

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Ishaan Ahuja

Targets ~ Votes: 44+ ; Comments: 22+ 

We were all talking, drinking, eating, and having fun. In between all these Rhea was trying to grab my attention. I told her that I don't fuck a girl twice and now I don't fuck any. I tried my best to shove her away, but she was too clingy. So I gave Rohit the responsibility to handle her as he found her hot. He might have like her, God knows what he saw in her. Or maybe he doesn't. 

During all the fun, I saw Aarohi going towards the washroom and I immediately went up to Vaishnavi to ask what happened. To which she said "Vishal spilled juice on her dress." I was about to walk towards my friends when I saw Vishal to walk towards the washroom too. I furrowed my eyebrows, but then I thought maybe he is going to the men's washroom as it's the same way. I came back to my friends and we started laughing and having fun.

The music was getting loud and more fun, but something else was wrong which was not settling well with me. It was almost 30 minutes since Aarohi went to washroom. I don't think washing a dress take so much time. Is something wrong with her? Is she hurt? Does she need help? Is her dress torn? Maybe that's why she can't come out. 

But wait. Why is Vishal still not back? No way. No, whatever I'm thinking it can't happen. I know Vishal always felt compared with me, always his father did that. I knew he hated me deep down, but I always tried to be on good terms with him. I really see him as a friend.I tried to make him feel on equal with me, because he is very good in swimming. 

I was feeling restless, I couldn't think straight. Every bad thing was going on in my head. And before even thinking what to do, my feet started moving towards the washroom. My mind was not in a place. No, nothing bad will happen to Aarohi. I will not let that happen. I will keep her safe. Even if I have to fight with anyone I will keep her safe. 

I was on my way to washroom, when Aarohi was running without looking elsewhere and she collided on my chest. She looked up and I saw my Aarohi, broken. She was crying like anything, her eyes were red and even her neck and arms were. There were marks on her neck and hand prints on her arm like someone grabbed it tightly. I was shocked, angry, frustrated and well helpless. My heart broke into million pieces seeing her cry like this. And my nerves burst open in anger to see the marks on her neck.

And when I asked her who did this to you. She replied in a mere whisper "Vishal". And that was it for me. Now for sure I will not remember him as a friend anymore, not when he mess with my woman. I knew when a guy like someone he can never go back to 'just friends' but going these lengths are too much. I will not spare you Vishal. 

She sobbed for a good amount of time, when she looked up at me and said "V-Vishal...t-tri-tried to t-tou-touch me. I t-told him n-not t-to do, but he con-con-tinued." She stammered and sobbed at the same time.

My blood was boiling in rage and anger. I wanted to break those hand with which he touched her and fucking break his lips with which he kissed her.

Then I saw Vishal coming out of the washroom groaning in pain. Aarohi turned her head and immediately turned back to hide in my embrace. How dare he fucking scare my Aarohi?

I made Aarohi stand behind me and walked up to him in slow and steady state. My eyes were turning fierce. I clenched my jaw so hard that it could break anytime. I stood in front of him and the next moment I saw him on the floor. 

I punched him so hard, letting all my anger out on him. Though he needs more and I will make sure he gets more. I held him by his collar and dragged him in the front hall in front of everyone. I was not seeing any one; I only saw the reason for my Aarohi's tears. I punched him more, making him bleed from his nose and lips. I heard people gasp in horror, but I didn't care to look at them. I was blinded by rage and anger, I wanted to kill him.

I punched him even more when he said something to add more fuel to my anger "What? She is just a whore who wants to get fucked by you? So I was just taking my chance too." I was fuming with anger and I was out of my mind now.

I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him close to my face, eye to eye and almost shouted "One more word about my woman, and I will rip off that tongue of yours." To which he just smirked with his bloodied lips. 

I punched his jaw hard enough for him to crash on the floor. I opened my jacket and rolled up sleeves up and crunched down on top of him and repeatedly punched him letting out all the anger. Giving him his taste of blood for causing my Aarohi cry. I will take count of every tear he caused. 

I was hitting him repeatedly when out of nowhere someone grabbed me by waist and tried to pull me but I was not in mind to leave this asshole after what he did. I shoved them away to again hit him, when they finally grabbed my arm to stop me. 

"Just leave him. He will die now." Shashank shouted, frustrated. 

I was so blinded by anger that I didn't even realized that he was having trouble in breathing. But for what he did, he needs to die. His was face covered with cuts and bloods. 

"This motherfucker needs to die. Leave me you assholes." I shouted while my gaze fix at him lying almost lifeless on the ground.

"Bro! Calm down, you need to look after Aarohi." Rohit said. And with that I was back in my senses.

I need to look after Aarohi. 

I need to comfort her. 

I need say her that I'm here. 

With that I started looking around here and there in search of her, but she was nowhere to find. I kept looking around without even bothering to ask anyone else. 

"She just left the auditorium." Shashank said, leaving my arm. Rohit left my arm when he felt that I have calmed down. I looked at them and they nodded their head towards the door. 

Before leaving I kicked the asshole lying on the Vishal and said, gritting my teeth "I thought you as my friend, but not anymore when you mess with my woman. It was her choice to choose me and not you. If I were you, I would have never, not even in my wildest dream thought of hurting the woman I love. Maybe you never loved her." 

I pointed a finger at him and my eyes filled with anger, my voice dropped low being deadly calm and I said "Stay away from her." 

And in no time I was on my way out of the auditorium to my muffin, to comfort her that I'm there with her no matter what. I will keep her safe and fight with anyone if it means to keep her safe. I will. I promise. I was walking in hurried counted steps in search of her when I promised myself to keep her safe.  

*huffs that's for the partII y'all. I hope you all liked Ishaan's possessive side. I love writing this part too much. I hate Vishal now. And he loves Aarohi too much "such a green flag!!" 

Also I'm removing the schedules and putting target based update, since y'all completed the previous target easily. *devil's laugh* 

Sending you lots of love ❤️


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