Chapter eleven

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Chapter eleven

Aarohi Verma

Coming back from my so called date with Vishal. I was walking alone towards my college. We spent a good time together; he shared his feelings for me. And I rejected very politely and this time it's not because of my insecurity it's just because I don't feel the same for him. He has been a good friend till now but I have never seen him more than friends. So I rejected him and there was visible sadness on his face. But even I can't do anything.

I was walking alone as he left for his home. I guess if I had accepted his feeling he would have dropped me to my dorm. But does it even matter? No definitely not. I have walked home alone a lot of time and it's not a big issue for me.

I entered the campus and headed towards my dorm when I saw Ishaan sitting on the bench we sat last time and had a conversation. He apologized to me, when it was not even his fault 'partially'. But still he did. God knows why this guy is showing some changes.

Before even thinking twice I went up to him and stood behind him "Is this seat taken?"

He looked at me and shot up his eye brows "Yeah" there was a pause before he said again "by you".

I smiled and sat beside him, keeping the muffin in between us. Last time when I met him here he was smoking, then why is he not smoking now? "You are not smoking?" I asked.

He looked at me and said "I quit." 

My eyebrows shot upwards and asked "You quit?" to which he just nodded. But why would he quit? Sudhar gaya shaayad. (He have improved maybe)

"How was your date?" he asked.

"It was not a date." I said rolling my eyes because it was not actually.

"So what did you do with him?" he asked, leaving me confused about his this interrogating nature.

"I had an ice cream and chai, that's it." I said shrugging.

He looked at me "That's it?"

I looked at him too and nodded. His lip was curling up a bit but he turned his head to the other side.

I was genuinely confused about this kind of behaviour. Why was he interrogating about my date, but moreover why was I even answering? Maybe Vishal is his friend? Yeah definitely that's the reason.

After some minute of silence I decided to tell him that Vishal confessed to me so that he could take care of him if he is sad or something. 

"Vishal confessed to me and I...." before letting me complete he sprung up of his seat and almost shouted "What?" with eyes open wide.

I looked at him in disbelief and furrowed my eyebrows "Umm yeah he told me that he likes me.."

He sat down clearing his throat "And what..d-did you said?" he said while stammering. 

"I rejected him."

He again sprung up of his seat but this time with a wide smile "You did?"

I nodded and tilted my head "But why are 'you' smiling?"

With that he again sat down on his place and said "No-nothing it-it's just that..nothing leave it." He stammered.

Geez what is wrong with this guy.

After a long pause he looked down at the muffin box and asked me "What is this?"


"You like them?"

I chuckled "I'm obsessed with them."

"What else are you obsessed with?" he again start with his interrogation. 

Am I getting annoyed? Kinda. 

But will I give answers? Probably no....

"Umm..Books...Moon...muffins...and rain." I ended up saying.

I looked at him only to find him already looking at me. His ocean blue orbs colliding with my amber orbs. His ocean blue eyes feel like the ocean waves touching my feet giving a sense of security. Looking at his eyes, made the entire chaos in my head come to a halt. His eyes spoke a lot of emotions yet found a way to make me calm and feel his warmth. He is usually cold around the people he don't know but today his eyes made me feel like 'home'. I don't know what is this feeling, but he is making me feel butterflies just by the way he is looking at me.

And suddenly we both snapped out of the thoughts at the same time and looked away. He clearing his throat following me.

After a silent pause I asked him "What about you? What are you obsessed with?"

"Umm.. basketball, car and cooking."

I looked at him "You know how to cook?" my mouth was wide open.

He chuckled and nodded.

"God Ishaan I'm so sorry. I really had a very bad impression about you." I told him pressing my lips in a thin line trying to hide some mischievous smile.

"You thought I'm that bad guy?" he raises his one eyebrow.

"You are!! You play with girl's emotions and fool around with them." I said very straightforwardly. 

He looked at me and asked "You don't like that?" I looked at him in disbelief. First why would anyone like a guy using and fucking around other girls? Second, what does that have to with me, why he is asking 'me'? 

"No girl like that, Ishaan," I scoffed.

"I'm asking about you, not other girls." he said with stern look on his face. I was feeling kinda intimidated by the way he asked it, not in a bad way. 

What is wrong with this guy? GEEZ 

"Well, it has nothing to do with me." I said looking elsewhere trying to avoid his intimidated look. 

"Do you like or not, Aarohi. It's a simple yes and no question." he said raising his voice a little. 

"Geez, I said 'No girl like that'. Toh main kya tujhe ladka dikhti hu ?" I said raising my voice a little too. His eyes softened and he chuckled. I gave him a strong glare and he whispered a 'sorry'. But he continued smiling by lowering his head. 

(So do I look like a boy to you?)

"Fine I won't be like that anymore." He said after sometime and he stood up to leave. He gestured me to come with him back to dorm, and I followed him because it was late, and I want to sleep now! 

After entering my room, I went straight to my bed and started with my overthinking of why Ishaan would say that, why I felt like the warmth of home when I looked into his eyes. It was all so strange feeling and new to me. What is he doing to me? 

So here's ch 11 for y'all. Hope you liked it! As I said ch 10 is on scrollstack: its Ishaan's realisation and you will love it. If you want to read you can do it by paying, its a small amount. But if you dont want to pay then you have to wait till I completer the story. So yupp !! Dont hate me :)

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Sending you lots of love ❤️


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