Chapter five

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Chapter five

Aarohi Verma

Fuming with anger I left from there. I was so angry that I wanted to punch him. 

What does he think of himself?

 Centre of universe? No way. 

I kept walking in what speed God knows. I came in front of my lecture hall and saw Vaishu waving at me with a broad smile. I didn't even wave her back. I stood in front of her and punched her on her arm. Punching is my way of coping with anger and Vaishu is always my punching bag and she takes it whole heartedly.

"Ouchh!!" she flinched back and looked at me as if she saw a ghost.

"What is wrong with you?" she asked as if she doesn't know that I'm angry.

"Everything is wrong and the most wrong thing is that bloody Ishaan Ahuja" I gritted my teeth with anger.

"Aru, grammar" she told.

Oh yes how I can forget the girl in front of me is a complete grammar freak.

"I don't care. What does he think of himself like he some kind of God or what. Like he thinks he is the centre of universe. Everyone will know everything about him. Why the fuck does he think so highly of him?" I let all out in one breath and Vaishu looked at me in complete shock.

Because she knows I don't get angry so easily but if I get angry once then it's really bad for anyone around me.

"Aru baby, calm down babe. And tell me what he said." She asked me while rubbing his palm on my hand to calm me down.

I told her everything and she started laughing. I looked at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"You guys are fighting like a baby" she started laughing again.

"Well he started first, not me"

After her laughing session she held my hands and we were walking up the stairs.

"Wait, what if you both fall in love?" she asked while giggling and I looked at her with a disgusting look.

"Vaishu, you told this today but never repeat this again."

"Why it can be enemies to lovers trope" she got excited about the fact.

I looked at her face to face and hold her arms tightly "I would rather fall six feet deep under the ground than fall for him." With that I entered the classroom. But I heard her laughing like a mental patient.

After our back to back three classes we were tired like hell and we decided to go have ice cream. We went to the stall and I order for a chocolate cone and she ordered strawberry and vanilla mixed cone. 

We were walking when we saw that the basketball team was playing out door today. Vaishu dragged me there to watch them play.

We stood beside coach and he told us to sit near the bench. I was least interested to come but as soon as I saw all tall guys I became the most interested. My eyes were looking at all the tall and hnadsome guys as I was enjoying the ice cream. 

Then Ishaan put a basket and girls behind me started howling like anything. I looked at them with utmost disgust in my face.

Not gonna lie, Ishaan plays really well, like he is made for basketball. He have strong grip on ball which made his nerve to protrude on his arms and passed the ball with strategy. He was wearing his usual clothes as they didn't have their jersey yet. He was flexing his biceps, not intentionally though. He was dripping with sweat, running down from forehead to his jawline and then to his neck where his nerves are protruding out. Like a paper cut and he will bleed.

"I know he is hot" Vaishu's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


"You were looking at him since a long time babe." She told while thinning her lips to hide her smile.

"ummm.... No not like that. I...mea...mean he is hot but.." I stammer while saying.


"But I hate him. He is too much, like he thinks himself of some celebrity or something"

"yeah that is true" she said and I smiled that she thinks same.

"Your enemy is my enemy babe. You know that right?" she smile and we pouted to give each other an air kiss.

We always do this. This is our thing 'air kiss'. It assure us that no matter what we are going to stick together. I am really thankful to God for sending her to me and looking after me always. I just can't imagine a single second without her let alone an entire minute. 

Then out of nowhere we heard the guys shouting and I looked at front and saw that the ball was coming towards me. I got shocked and was breathing heavily. Then came a hand and held the ball in his hands. I looked at him and felt relief that he saved me. 

So yeah that's chapter five.

Did you like this cute fights between Ishaan and Aarohi?

*Also I have exam day after tomorrow and here I'm writing. Like I'm digging my own grave.*

So please vote and comment and follow me on wattpad. 

Sending you a lots of love ❤️


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