Chapter seventeen

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Chapter seventeen

Aarohi Verma

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I was feeling all nervous and butterflies around Ishaan. I knew what he was trying to do. But I cannot just give in. I have my insecurities and on top of that he is a fucking playboy. He goes around and fucks any girl. He is the last person I want to trust on in this planet.

I was working as usual and the coach called me in his cabin. I minimised the application I was working on in my laptop and stood up to walk up to his cabin. When I reached the door I knocked before entering. 

"Aarohi we need to take the numbers for the boy's jersey." He said handling me a file.

"Oh wow ! They are getting their jersey finally." I exclaimed. The boys were getting impatient for the jerseys. Finally they can be more cheerful. 

"Yes, now go and take their numbers and submit me the file." he said with a smile. 

"Ok Coach."

I went out and asked all the boys to come in front and stand to give their lucky numbers to be printed on jersey. They all halted their game and came out of the court area. Ishaan was not playing since two days. He came from the bench and stood right across me. He looked at me but I just couldn't look straight into his eyes. His eyes are doing all those things mentioned in the books I read.

"Okay So Coach said to give your numbers for jersey." I said opening the file which coach gave me.

"Thank God finally we are getting our jersey." Shashank said and with that all the boys were equally excited.

"Okay give me your numbers now." I said with a smile. Not gonna lie but I was on good terms with all the members except Ishaan, such an on and off he is or maybe I'm one with the problem.

'Arggghh!! Stop it' my subconcious mind said to me.

Everyone started giving their numbers meanwhile I was jotting them down beside their names in the file. Everything was going smoothly until rohit asked for 15 to which Ishaan protested "bro ! I want 15."

"First come first serve." He said.

"Rohit, I am the captain and I want 15 in my jersey." Ishaan said, trying to keep his calm.

"Ishaan, you can take another number." I said trying to calm the tensed atmosphere between these two.

"Aarohi. Do not take his side please." He said and looked at me.

"I'm not taking anyone's side. He told he want 15 first so let him take." I tried to make him understand. 

"Aarohi I'm taking 15." Rohit told me and I looked towards him.

"No Aarohi I'm taking 15." Ishaan said and I looked towards him. 

"Rohit yrrr ! Samajh bhai lene de mujhe 15 please." Ishaan said while joining his hands, like he was begging.

(Rohit yrr! Please understand, let me take 15 please.)

Woah! Ishaan and pleading like this, that's going to history definitely. Anyways but what is so special about 15? Like why they both want 15. Is it some kind of memorable day for them or what. 

"Wait! Rohit why do you want 15?" I asked him, trying to understand who's reason is better.

"It's my sister's birthdate. And I love her very much." he said with a smile on his face which I can see to reach his eyes. 

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