Chapter twenty-four | Part-I

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Chapter twenty-four

Author's POV

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After both of their first kiss, they went to their friends, of course. Aarohi was breathless and red like tomato. She dragged Vaishnavi from the table and cornered her. She took few deep breaths, but before she could speak Vaishnavi asked in a worried tone "What's wrong?"

"Ishaan just kissed me." She said taking few more breaths.

Vaishnavi couldn't believe her ears, she was way too shocked. She knew that they both of them liked each other, but they already kissed? That was not expected.

"He said he is in love with me while dancing and then he did that shitty thing with the girl. I went away and he followed me, we had a little argument and he kissed me." Aarohi said in a breath.

Vaishnavi was still looking at her with wide eyes, contemplating what should she say. Aarohi shook her by her shoulder and said "Say something."

"Were you sure? Do you regret it?" she asked.

"Yes and No" Aarohi said in a confident tone. She was facing her feelings this time and she was becoming brave with that.

Vaishnavi pulled her in for a hug and smirked "Great progress, baby girl." To which Aarohi chuckled.

On the other hand Ishaan was behaving like a teenage boy who just kissed his crush. He was walking towards his friends, giggling, blushing and touching his lips with his fingers. He was too engrossed in his imagination. 

Then he stopped in front of his friends but before he could speak Rohit asked frowning his eyebrows "Why are looking like a lovestruck puppy?" 

To which he said "Guys, I just kissed her."

They both looked at him like they saw a ghost, eyes wide. "WHAT?" both exclaimed at same time. He just nodded and added further that "And she reciprocated."

Rohit and Shashank both were happy at their friend's progress and started teasing him. 

During all this, there was one person who was fuming with anger and jealousy. He saw both of them kissing. He felt compared to Ishaan again. He liked Aarohi first and yet she chose Ishaan and not him. He was fuming with jealousy and now he wanted Aarohi at any cost. He wanted her body, her heart, her everything. And that 'he' was VISHAL.

Vishal was not in his senses and he was thinking of confronting Aarohi, he tried to get close to her. After seeing them kissing, he now is more obsessed with her. Was it really love or was it obsession out of jealousy?

Aarohi Verma

I was dancing with Vaishnavi and having fun. After all we are best friends, so if we don't dance together once, then it's a waste of time. But I kept glancing at Ishaan, I could still feel the taste of his lips on mine, I could still smell his perfume which rubbed on my clothes when he pressed his body hard against mine. 

I then went to take juice for Vaishu and I, when someone touched my naked back and I knew for sure that was not Ishaan. I looked over my shoulder to see Vishal smiling at me and he said "Hi sweetheart." I felt uncomfortable under his touch, but he might just being sarcastic so I played along and said "Hi handsome." I laughed and turned around and moved a little away to get rid of his hand from my body.

"Oh so now you are flirting?" he said and added a smirk at last.

I rolled my eyes and said "Oh come on, Vishal stop it now. You have no chance."

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