Chapter two

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Chapter two

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Chapter two

Ishaan Ahuja

Believing in love is like believing in dead. Yes that's what love is for me : dead. I used to believe in love because my parents had a love marriage. My mother is from New York and my father from India, they met in India when my mother came for a tour and they fell in love instantly. After being together for years my mother moved back to India when they had my brother and decided to get married, after seven years they had me. 

They have been in love all along until one day when I saw my mother cheating on my father with an uncle in her room. I came early from school that day due to some important meeting to be held in school. When I came back home I heard some noises rather scream or what I don't have any idea. The noise was coming from our guest room and when I opened the door a slight to take a look out of curiosity I saw something which I should not have seen as a 14 year old child.

After that incident my parent's divorced each other and my father got my custody. I grew up with my dad and we were really happy with each other's company. With age my hate towards love became stronger and I started seeking physical pleasure to mend it. I don't use girls, they know my conditions and they come to me with their own will. I don't promise anyone to make love with them because I will not.

My love for basketball was from the time when my brother taught me when I was seven years old. My love for my brother is beyond everything. He taught me everything but then suddenly we grew up and he moved out of India for further studies and I was left all alone. 

I opted for basketball in my college and this is my second year. I have played really well and made a good name among everyone. Today there was a sports department party and I have to be there because I'm the star. I was selecting my clothes when my phone rang and my best buddy Shashank Malhotra's name popped up on the screen, picking up he shouted at me to come to his room immediately.

Upon entering he made me choose outfits for him. After which I went back to my dorm when my eye caught someone but I could only see her from back. She had a good figure and a beautiful laugh. She probably moved in today and by the way she was with the other girl, she was probably her best friend. Then she opened the door of the room across mine and I just smirked for God knows what reasons.

After that I took a shower, and then came back to my room for getting ready. After that I left my room and saw her again going towards the washroom. Seeing her running like that with short legs make me imagine how it would look on my shoulder which made me smirked even more.

 "Don't even think about her." came a voice from behind making me flinch a little dragging me out of my nasty thoughts.

"Why? do you like her?" I said almost teasing him.

"No dude, she just moved in today. Don't scare her too soon." He stated the facts.

"Fine I won't." I chuckled.

"Good. Let's go then." Saying that he and I moved to elevator and reached the rooftop.

Upon reaching I indulge in socialising and throwing my charms on girls. Then a girl got my attention and I dragged her to a corner and made her lean against railing and continued doing my job making her see stars. I left some love bites on her neck and pressed her breast over the top. After sometime she left giggling and I heard someone scoff. Turning around my eyes landed on the opposite side of the terrace and there stands the girl who I was saw this morning and also before coming here.

She was looking at me with a disgust face but that soon changed into rather admiring way. She is gorgeously beautiful. She had amber eyes that spoke a lot of emotions and had the potential to drag anyone into them. She was wearing a beautiful white dress which hugged her body and curves really well. She had long black hair but it was more of reddish brown when they were under sunlight, which I noticed when she moved in during evening. She was nearly 5'5" or maybe shorter and had short legs with perfect body. She kept looking at me and I decided to walk towards her which made her nervous. I stood in front her and she had almond eyes, with a little chubby cheek, making her adorable and rather fuckable. Her plump lips were calling mine to crash each other but I controlled myself. Then we exchanged names and did a formal handshake and I passed a comment "You look hot" and went from there when I heard her cursing me under her breathe which left a chuckle from my mouth. And then I attended the party.

So here's chapter two that is Ishaan's POV 

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Sending you lots of love ❤️


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