Chapter nine

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Chapter nine

Aarohi Verma

"Godd !!! To be loved by fictional characters" Vaishu says.

"Sacchi yarr"


"Like I completed this book yesterday. And the guy was whipped for her."

"yeahh !! same the book I am reading currently, the guy could do anything for her. Like literally anything."

We were going towards our classes and were discussing about our love for these fictional men and fuelling each other's delusional minds. Whixh we want to experience once in our lifetime. Just once, is that too much to ask for.

That's when my thought struck through my head again that there is no one who will love me like fictional men love their women in book. I always fear to be in love because what if I end up like my parents. I don't want to be in a relationship like this, it's frustrating and exhausting. I read book, watch movies, dramas, and shows and want a love like it portrays, but always end up fearing the thought of being in love and ending like my parents. 

I want to experience the process of being in love, falling for him, him falling for me, having our own happily ever after. Recreating all the silly things from movies, books. Then marrying him, having kids, having a pet. Living in a penthouse with our own money. And whatnot, but always end up fearing the thought when I recall my parents fighting and quarrelling. They made me fear something as beautiful as love. They made me question if true love really exist or not? 

"Aruu..." Vaishu shook me and snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Where are you? I'm talking to you for the last five minutes babe. Are you okay?" she sound worried.

"No it's just that, we will never get the love like books or movies right?" I said while looking down.

Vaishu made me look in her eyes by cupping my cheeks and tilting me head upwards "Aru..I know where this is coming from. But babe not all relation is like this. Your parents didn't have their happy ending, but that doesn't mean that you will not get yours."

"Yes I know but I fear what if I also end up like my parents, ended up throwing things, harming, hurting. And in between that making the child suffer." I said with almost tears in my eyes.

"Aru, look having a happy ending or not is not in your hands, but you need to give efforts to make things work. I'm not telling you to love anyone who comes and propose you, No... But if someone loves you and you feel something for him too, don't just ignore it. Give it a chance."

I have always ignored everyone who confessed their feelings for me. Even the guy who I had crush on in high school, fearing the thought of ending up like my parents. But I think some love is worth the risk, even if it hurts.

"hmm.. fine I will give a chance this time maybe" I smiled.

"Some love is worth the risk, even if it ends up hurting you; At least you will learn a lesson." She said.

I looked at her and smiled "I just thought the same thing."

"That's my girl." Vaishu pulled me in a warm hug and I wrapped my arms around her in no time.

After our classes we went straight to basketball court. When we entered the boys waved at us and Ishaan looked at me and smiled. This is the first time I'm seeing him smile. I furrowed by eyebrows at his change of behaviour. After that we were working and then Vaishu went out to take coffee.

She bought me an iced coffee and for her she had a vanilla latte. We were sitting on one of the benches and watching the game and sipping coffee.

"Do you think Ishaan is falling for you?" she asked me out of nowhere.

I looked at her with my eyes wide and my brow shot up. "What? Are you crazy?"

"No I just feel like....since the last few days" she says being a little confused.

"Why do you think so?" my curiosity got in line.

"The way he looks at you." She said smiling.

"And how he looks at me?" I looked at her and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Like, he is willingly losing to you but finding ways to win your love. He looks at you like he don't ever want to look away. As if uski jaan basti hai tujhme" She said and I felt butterflies just by the thought of him looking at me with so much love. I shook my head to wave all the butterflies back, because no way Ishaan can be trustworthy in love. 

(As if his life resides in you)

"I think you should change your major to literature." I chuckled.

"No aru.. seriously"

"Whatever. For him using girls are normal and their emotions mean nothing to him." I said with an irritated face. 

"But he have not done anything to you." she tried to reason.

I looked away from her and stood up to go to my desk and ignore her reasoning. I started working again. Because whatever Vaishani told me, after that only work can save me from overthinking.

After working and making some schedules for their matches, suddenly Vishal came looking for me.

"Hey ! Aarohi. Are you free right now?" Vishal asked.


"I just wanted to go out with you." he was blushing like a red tomato.

"Ohoo.. so date it is?" Vaishnavi said teasing us.

"Shut up Vai..." I was about to complete when he cut me off and told "Yeah date it is."

Vaishnavi's eyes were widely open with shock. I was shocked and had no idea why would he even ask me for a date. So as I'm I asked him "Why?"

"Nothing just want to hang out with you." He looked straight into my eyes.

Vaishnavi looked towards me and mouthed the word 'Say yes' with wide eyes in excitement. And if today I denied him, Vaishnavi will surely kill me. So I said "umm..ok."

"But give me five minutes, let me pack my bag." With that he nodded.

I packed my belongings and bid goodbye when I met Ishaan's eyes which were glaring at me and Vishal. He narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms and threw some death glare at me. God knows why. 

We went out and aske "Would you like to have ice cream? I know a good ice cream parlour."

I just nodded, as I was least interested in going out with him. I would have gone out with him as a normal friend, but as soon as he said it was date I lost all my interest in going out with him. Because no way I'm having any feelings for him. I only saw him as a friend. 

We reached the ice cream parlour and I ordered a chocolate scoop, and he ordered a vanilla one. While eating he said something which I feared all the way coming here. He said with utmost honesty, he is a good guy but I know I cannot feel for him and I have only saw him as a good friend. I can never be more than that with him. 

"You know, I really like you Aarohi." he said making me choke on my ice cream. 

I coughed and he handed me a tissue and he said "Sorry" feeling all guilty. But who will say him that I was feeling guilty by thought of giving any hints by mistake throughout our interactions. Because as per as I know I strictly maintained this as friends and never gave any sort of hints. WIth that I looked into his eyes.

Okk !!! sweetie that's the chapter nine for you all. 

What do you think about Vishal? He is a good guy, haina?

Also, a lot of thanks to you all for reading my book, adding to your reading list, voting and commenting. I felt tears in my eyes. I love you all. THANK YOU SO MUCH! 

Do vote and comment 

Sending you lots of love ❤️


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