Chapter sixteen

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Chapter sixteen

Ishaan Ahuja

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Coming back to the court, everyone looked at me in shock. Then I realized about my hand and I had no idea what to say because of course I'm not saying that I was trying to be a superhero and save Aarohi. They will tease me till I decide to go underground and they will even follow me in there through my dreams.

Coach came towards me in hurried steps and asked "What is wrong with your hand?" with horror filled in his face.

I made up an instant lie and said "My hand crashed to a glass window."

Looking at their expression they didn't seem to be convinced. But they ended up nodding anyways except Shashank and Rohit definitely.

"How can you crash your hand?" Rohit asked.

"Yeah what the hell were you doing?" Shashank added.

I eyed them to stop asking anything more, because I really don't have any explanation of why I did it. And definitely I'm not telling them that I actually did this to save my Aarohi, she needed me. I know she never asked for it, but that was my first instinct to save her no matter whatever happens to me. God what do I say to them now.

I can share it with Shashank because he knows, but Rohit will freak out if he knows that I like Aarohi and he will go and tell her out of excitement. So it's better not to tell him for now, he will get to know eventually. Not like I don't want to share with him but he is that over joyed kind of a person, so for now I won't tell him. I don't want to scare my Aarohi so soon. 

"Did you went to doctor?" Coach said snapping me out of my thoughts. To which I just nodded my head and making those two stop asking further question.

After convincing them, they all were playing and I just watched them. Because Coach told me to rest. I sat on one of the benches and watched them play.

Then after sometime Aarohi and the long nose came. She looked at me when she passed by and I just smiled. She halted in her position and turned to look at me and said "I hope you are not thinking of practicing." she said in rather a mocking tone.

I rolled my eyes at her comments, why she have to taunt me like this "Yeah I'm playing from here. It's great though. You wanna try?"

She huffs and went away from there. I really like making her annoyed sometime, her cute expression is what I will do it even more in future. I smirked in my mind.

They first sat on the bench which was two benches away from me. Aarohi took out her phone and showed Vaishnavi something, and they started laughing. Vaishnavi once glanced at me and started laughing again. Now I got curious when she looked at me, maybe it's about me? So I walked or rather walked sneakily to them and saw something which I couldn't even imagine myself.

It was my video when I was getting injection and holding or crushing her hand. I was behaving like a child holding her hand. I snatched the phone from her hand and said "My God, Aarohi I didn't knew you had such a side. Using my weakness?"

She got nervous and stood up "No it's not what you think. Give my phone back." She came close to me and attempted to take away her phone.

I stretched up my hand upward out of her reach because come on she is shorter than me. She tried to stretch her arm but she failed. She attempted again and again making her annoyed.

"Come on dude, give it back." she said while doing her small, cute attampts. My god! My Aarohi is shorter than me, such a baby.

"No! I won't." I said back still stretching my hand more upward, if it was even possible.

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