Chapter eight

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  Chapter eight

Ishaan Ahuja

After that incident we didn't looked at each other let alone talk to each other. She did her work, I practiced as usual. But deep down I felt guilty somehow don't know why. Maybe because of me she had panic attack or maybe I said something which made her blast on me. I was in my deep thoughts when Shashank shook me out of my thoughts.

"Ahuj what the hell man? Why do you keep zoning out nowadays?"

"Sorry" as I had no other answers.

I gave my focus on game again, but kept taking glance at her. 

God !! why do I keep glancing at her. 

I need a good fuck to get rid of this woman from my mind. I don't know what is she doing to me? Why is she doing to me? Even though she is not doing anything, my mind keep on thinking about her. God I hate this woman for being on my mind all the time.

Later at night I really had a good sex with a girl named Rhea. She is from mass media & communication department, not that I was interested in knowing. She kept on telling about herself while I was wandering about her. She was a real chatterbox. She asked me about myself too, but I kept ignoring her. Because my mind could only think of AAROHI and no one else.

She tried her best to touch me, but Ishaan Ahuja neither he touch nor let any girl touch him. I just fuck and leave, no kiss, no pleasure, only love bites and some squeezes. 

But still my mind kept wandering about her. What she will be doing now? What are her hobbies? What she like? What is her dislike? Why she snapped out of me? What it is like when she doesn't hate you?

I snap out of the thought when I saw the girl sleeping beside me. I got up, got dressed and left from there. This is the first time I feel suffocated even after having a good fuck. This feeling is new to me. I got in my car and drove to college. It was nearly 20 minutes drive from the hotel. I parked the car and entered the campus and was walking towards the dorm, when I felt like smoking to reduce all this stress, overthinking and whatnot.

I went near the bench which is cornered and no one can easily notice me from here. I took out a cigarette and smoked for a bit. I was thinking about a lot of thing but she was constant in my mind. As if every overthinking of mine ends to her.

"So you smoke?" a voice from behind snapped me out of my thoughts. It didn't even took me seconds to recognize whose voice it was. I turned around and saw her standing right behind me.

"Hi !!" Goddamit now I'm awkward too.


God what is wrong with me? Why are you doing this with me?

I shifted to the right to indicate her to sit beside me. She took her seat and I felt my heart did a summersault. What is wrong with my heart? Fuck you heart.

"You smoke?" I blurted out as I have nothing to speak to her, yet I have a lot of things to speak and ask about.

"No. I hate smoking and I hate smokers." She looked at me with a disgusted look and at the cigarette and then turned to look at the sky.

I felt a sting in my heart, when she made that disgusted face. She already hate me and now I don't want her to feel disgusted when looking at me. Then I looked at my cigarette and I crashed it on the ground and felt like to throw the packet away from me. I didn't wanted her to hate me even more, or maybe disgust me.

She was not wearing any makeup, not like she wears too much. But still this is the first time I'm seeing her bare face, even without a lip tint. And yet she is so beautiful. She was wearing a shorts revealing her tone legs, with a oversized top making her look cute. She had her hair up in a messy bun and her face is too beautiful to look away. 

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