Chapter four

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Chapter four

Ishaan Ahuja

After practicing and sweating out a bucket we all came to the locker room and sat on the bench to get rid of shoes and socks. My mood was really fucked up due to someone which was noticed by Shashank. 

"Hey, Ahuj you okay?" he asked me taking me out of thoughts. Before I could even answer Rohit started teasing me "A new enemies to lover couple unfolding." With that everyone started cheering and howling as if it was some kind of achievement.

 I stated with dead serious look "I would rather fall from space without a parachute than fall for her." saying that I went for a cold shower to ease all the burning anger. She really knows how to hit on my nerve. Goddamitt!!!

Then after few days everything went normal, she was busy with her work and I was busy with my basketball. But she didn't even glanced at me once as if I'm some kind of pest to avoid. 

Not like I care. 

Then during afternoon break I saw her giggling at her phone and then went out of the court like a crazy girl.

After some time I received a text from Vishal, asking me to come to his swimming court because he wanted me to meet his new friend. Well Vishal Mishra is my dad's friend's son who was brutally bullied by one of his close friends throughout the high school. After which he didn't made friends with anyone. But today's text shocked me as he said he made a new friend, but it also made me feel relief.

Upon entering the swimming court, I look for Vishal and then my eyes halt at one of the benches where he was sitting with 'her'. He saw me before I could even think straight and waved at me. I waved him back and walked towards them. I gave him a deep hug and nodded at her.

Vishal broke the silence by saying, "Meet, Aarohi my new friend", looking at me and then he looked at her "My closest friend, Ishaan".

She smiled as if she was ignoring me, which definitely hit my nerve.

"I know her." I told, hearing which she looked at me with widened eyes. I looked at her blankly.

"Ohh!! You guys know each other." Vishal says.

"Not really ! I'm just intern manager for basketball team" she said smiling like a joker.

Why she never talk to me like that....Geezz!! I don't even want her to talk to me like that.

After their chit chat, we both left at the same time. On the way I couldn't help myself but tell her "Don't fool around with him."

She looked at me and said "Why would I do that?"

"Well I don't know maybe you want revenge from me?" I blurted out.

She laughed, "Dude I was not even aware of that he was your friend."

She literally laughed!! Goddd this woman. I think she have some manual book on how to get on my nerve with a title '100 ways to get on Ishaan Ahuja's nerve' and she is the author and publisher. She should sell it, she will become famous as well as rich. 

"Well that's definitely a lie. Because everyone on this campus knows everything about me".

"Well" she used my tone "I'm so sorry to say but count me out of it. I was never in that list nor I will be" , she rolled her eyes and went for her classes.

She just left like that without even letting me complete. What does she think of herself? The principal ? huh? Why do I cross paths with her? One cross and my entire day mood is fucked. Why am I even thinking about her? FUCK!!!

I was filled with anger. You could really boil a water by using my body heat. I clenched my jaw and tightened my fist but then tried to calm myself and went to play. Because apparently basketball is the only thing that keep me calm and away from any distractions. 

So here's chapter four. 

Hope you liked it :)

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Sending you a lots of love ❤️


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