Chapter one

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Chapter one

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Chapter one

Aarohi Verma

Waking up in a house where shouting, yelling, cursing and slamming a door is normalised. The child tends to grow up before age. My parents said they were in love and now there's not a single time they show that they were in love. I was five when my parents started shouting and yelling at each other and I was hiding in my cupboard, trying to cover my ears and stop my tears. Next time they fought when, I was seven and that fight left me a scar because my mother said that I was a burden to them, that I was a mistake. Then after my tenth birthday they started fighting every day. I was tired hearing them quarrel every day but now I am perfectly fine with them quarrelling. They said they loved each other but I never felt it.

Today I woke up before my alarm as usual due to loud noises in my house. It's been years now since I am waking up without an alarm. I got out of my bed, took a shower, got ready, packed my bag for my first day of second year college. I took BBA in sports management for my college degree. I have always been fascinated by sports without any reason at all. And I have always wanted to be a manager, guide a team or be a leader and my course fulfilled both my wishes.

Before opening the door I took a deep breath to put a smile on my face. As soon as I opened the door there was a pin drop silence in the house. I came out saying "Good Morning" to my most not-so loveable parents. Papa came and hugged me "Good Morning, sweetie" and then mamma shouted from kitchen "Good Morning beta". After my breakfast I took my car and drove to my college. Its roughly thirty minutes' drive.

As soon as I parked my car and entered the college there stands the only sunshine of my life my best friend Vaishnavi Agarwal. She knows everything about me, been there with my highs and lows and vice versa. We met in school and we have been friends oh no.. best friends since then. She never lets me cry and even if I want to she will hold me in a tight hug and protect me with her warmth. She loves me as I am and spends at least ninety per cent of her day with me. 

As soon as she saw me she came running towards me and I stood there in shock contemplating whether I should run or stand there.

 In no time she came flying towards me and I took three steps back. And the first thing she told "Bitch! You look hot". I chuckled and hug her back. She let go of me and look at my clothes and admires me as if I'm hottest model alive.

"Good Morning", I said smiling.

"It's our first day being a senior." being over excited.

"Yeah it is"

"Come on, be a little excited"

I shove her hands from my shoulder and keep moving and she follows me.

As soon as we enter the room everyone's eyes were on us because we were labelled as the hottest friend duo in whole campus. I ignored all the eyes and we took a seat in middle rows.

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