Chapter three

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Chapter three

Aarohi Verma

After coming from the party Vaishu and I bid goodbye and went to our rooms. I fell on bed and kept thinking about the comments he passed so randomly which is boiling my blood at his audacity. And my mind kept wandering around the thought why he kept stealing glance at me. After overthinking for about an hour I decided to get up and changed into one of my night pyajamas. Then within few minutes I drifted off to sleep.

Next morning I woke up to the sound of banging on my door. Being half asleep Vaishu barged into my room and sat on bed, making me sit by her side. She showed me a notice she clicked on her phone. 

"The team manager of basketball team resigned abruptly due to personal reasons. And now they are selecting two people for the manager post as an intern, can be of any year except first year. Also they will pay for the internship. It's out of blue but a great opportunity to flaunt in our resume for future." with that she gasped for air as she told all this in a go. I looked at her with a smile on my face and nodded as we knew what to do.

And the next moment we were standing in front of the basketball team coach's cabin. We went inside and the coach greeted us with a smile. After sitting on the chair he examined our progress, academics and asked some basic questions individually. He was pretty impressed by our academics, skills and knowledge which were showing on his face. 

"I will let you know by tomorrow morning; if some other students come for interview and will compare and I will select the two most suitable one." Coach said and we both nodded at bid him goodbye.

After that we went to attend our morning lectures and came to room at evening. I spend an hour of time reading a book. Then started studying till Vaishu called me for dinner. After dinner I was too sleepy and went to sleep in no time.

The next morning I got a message saying that I was selected as the intern manager for basketball team and my work starts from tomorrow, but have to meet the coach today for more information. As soon as I read the message my smile reached my cheeks. Then came banging sound on my door, opening to Vaishu. She showed me the text she received and asked about me.But I had an idea of pulling a prank and told her "No I didn't received any such text" being all sad.

"What? Why? Dude you are much better than me. What the fuck is wrong with them?" she snapped within a second.

She started getting all angry and cursed them when I finally showed her the text on my phone. We started jumping like fools and hugged each other tightly.

We got ready for meeting the coach for some more information. I dressed in a midnight blue short sleeveless kurti with polka dot on them. I styled it with straight denim jeans, applied kajal, and wore a small jhumka to elevate my look. And ended with a black bindi, a watch and my slippers. 

Upon reaching the the basketball court, we greeted the coach and he whistled all the boys for attention. Upon making the announcement, everyone greeted us except one who was looking annoyed and asked coach "Are they capable of the post?". 

Coach was about to say something when I said "Well until and unless you don't see me working, you can't really question that" I said as I couldn't make my rage calm down. With that he smirked and went to play. Coach took us to the office and explained everything we needed to do. I was assigned with paperwork, uniforms, registering uniforms and team finances whereas Vaishu was assigned with team requirements, communication and public relation. Because she is a pro at communication. 

Next morning, I felt overwhelmed from the chances I got. I wore a white tank top with a straight denim jeans, with that an oversized shirt to make the entire look stand out. I wore a single beaded earrings and applied sunscreen and cherry lip balm. I then wore my white sneakers, took my tote bag and called Vaishu then we went straight to basketball court. 

We were assigned a table facing each other at a corner. I took out my laptop and started working on the loop holes which the ex-manager told me about yesterday. One thing that stuck me was that we were short on funds, so I immediately went to coach and talked about the possible solutions.

After that coach assigned everyone and asked me to make the decision. I started "So basically I want to say that we shouldn't spend money until and unless it's necessary...." before I can even finish there's a voice "And who are you to decide?" I turn to see the voice to whom it belonged, who had an annoyed face, God knows for what reason. "Well I'm the intern manager, I hope you know that". "Yeah intern, stay like an intern", stressing more on the word 'intern'. He made my blood boil and I wanted to smash his head to the wall, "Well if you let me finish the sentence I think you would understand my point, Mr.Ahuja", upon hearing this he narrowed his eyes with a glare.

 Ignoring him I stated my point "We are short on funds and your ex-manager told me that earlier you used to spend a lot that's why I said until and unless it's not necessary. Also Coach and I talked about this and we came to a solution that we will sign you up for some more tournaments, from which we can raise our funds." I ended with a confident smile and looked at coach to which he agrees and explained to the boys further more. They nodded except someone rude.

After working a little more , Vaishu and me was about to leave for our afternoon classes when someone from behind said "No one has ever spoke above me in that tone Ms. Verma, you better not repeat what you did today." I turned to look at his irritating and annoyed face which instantly gave my blood a boil. "Well, Mr. Ahuja I don't know what you think of yourself and how you think you are the centre of universe. But guess what you're not and please do not expect me to abide by your so called attitude and think that I will not speak above you because I will, every time you are wrong I will."

With that I turned around and didn't even let him speak because as always I've the last say.

Vaishnavi looked at me with proud eyes as if she taught me all and I chuckled and she did the same.

But after that my mood was fucked up because of his attitude and the way he looked down at my work and capability. 

God just kill him. 

So here is chapter three. 

Hope you liked it 

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Sending you a lots of love ❤️


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