Chapter 58

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That night, as promised, Tenya was going to spend the evening with me in my dorm room, just like a date. I heard a knock on my door.

"Open." I stated as I tended to the vegetables in the pot.

"It's me." Tenya entered my room. "I bought some books!"

"And I bought the goods." I chuckled. With my knife in hand, I pointed to my laptop that was sat on the bed. "I believe we are needing to catch you up on some Drag Race."

"I think Rolaskatox is going to have a kai-kai, I think that's the expression?" Tenya pulled out one of his books and flicked through it.

"Good try." I chuckled, handing him a bowl of vegetable soup. "Kai-kai's are something different."

"Is a Kai-kai not a party?" Tenya began to eat his soup.

"A ki-ki is a party, for calming all your nerves." I sat next to him. "A kai-kai is a bit of this."

I gave a suggestive, yet sexual gesture. Tenya flushed pink in his embarrassment.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about." I chuckled. "As you said back at the training camp, it's natural."

"T-this is what I wanted to talk to you about." Tenya became more reserved in his words.

"Go ahead, you know whatever you say to me is between us alone." I held his hand.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you recently." Tenya gripped my hand, he was sweating. "I've not stopped thinking sexual things about you and it feels wrong for me to not tell you, especially since all you've gone through."

"Tenya, I don't know how to feel." I loosened my grip on his hand.

"I know, I shouldn't've asked, forget I said anything." Iida turned his head away from me.

"Look at me." I stated. "Tenya, please."

He turned his head towards me, his eyes glossed over with teariness.

"I love you and I want to take this relationship further, but I don't think I'm entirely ready for sex." I pressed my forehead against my boyfriends. "So how about we meet in the middle?"

"What are you suggesting?" Tenya sniffled as I kissed his cheek.

"I'm no expert, but I can try my best." I chuckled, I gave a suggestive hand signal.

"R-right! I'm assuming that means masturbation?" Tenya grabbed a book that he bought with him and began flicking through the pages.

"Leave the book, Love." I helped shut Tenya's book as I kissed his soft lips. "It's better if we learn to explore each other first hand."

Slowly, I began to move my hand up and down Tenya's chest, making sure to caress every part of his body. I kept kissing Iida too, letting him explore my mouth and tongue. With each caress, I could feel his tracksuit getting tighter and tighter. I looked into Tenya's deep blue eyes, each kiss reminded me of how much I loved him. I kissed him once more before moving onto his neck. I began sucking at his neck, making a physical symbol of my commitment to him, in the form of a hickey.

"Amao, this feels amazing." Tenya whispered.

"I'm glad." I spoke before connecting our lips once more. I hadn't even realised that Tenya had started to give me my own hickey. I had to admit, I did feel a lot of pleasure.

Within minutes I was on my back with Tenya leaning on top of me kissing my neck, slowly making his way down my chest. We still had t-shirts on, but I knew that had to change. Tenya was about to reach for the waistband of my underwear. I grabbed his hand quickly.

"S-sorry! I got a little carried away." Tenya apologised.

I flipped our positions so that I was sat on his lower abdomen, I leaned in close to his ear and whispered.

"You might've forgotten who was taking the lead." I whispered seductively.

"You sound like Midnight." Tenya giggled slightly.

"I may have watched her sex tape..." I admitted. "Did you want me to continue?"

"Yes..." Tenya blushed red.

I looked down at the old t-shirt that Tenya was wearing, I shook my head slightly and thought of a great idea. Utilising my quirk, I sharpened my nails and sliced apart Tenya's t-shirt. Without giving him time to react I began to kiss him once more, making my way further down his chest and abdomen until I met with his tent. I looked up at him before I went any further. He nodded in response, I was super excited.

I pulled his tracksuit and underwear down and was slapped in the face by his muscle.

"Amao! Did I hurt you?" Tenya panicked, I reassured him that I was ok.

I looked down at his dick, it was just as I remembered from the Training Camp, hair and all. I was compelled to put it in my mouth, and so I did. I got to hear Tenya's soft moans as he gripped my bedsheets. Each time I went down I was hit with a buck of Tenya's hips, thrusting his penis further into my mouth.

A couple minutes passed and my boyfriend had now become a sweaty and adorable mess. He was close to his climax, and I'll admit, I was too. Within seconds of me going down on him once more I felt his load shoot to the back of my mouth, I coughed for a second. When I took his cock out of my mouth, more of his load shot out, landing on my face and glasses. I followed shortly behind, however I shot in my underwear.

"Amao!" Tenya sat up, weakly.

"I'm fine, in fact, you taste great." I spoke. Playfully, I stuck my tongue out, letting Tenya see what had happened.

"That was an incredible feeling." Tenya huffed, watching as his dick became flaccid.

"That was great, and now I just want to cuddle with you." I laid next to Tenya and scooped him up in my arms as we cuddled underneath the sheets. During our cuddling, Tenya asked me a question.

"Amao? What would you do if a villain killed me?" Tenya asked.

"Why'd you say that?" I turned to him.

"I was just wondering, covering all bases." He replied.

"I'd kill them, within seconds, I'd make sure that their blood is all over my hands and mine alone, I'd torture them until they were practically begging for death. I'd end them Tenya, I would end the life of anyone who dared injure or kill anyone who I love." I spoke softly.

Tenya and I never let go of each other, he fell asleep before me and I was quick to follow after.

In the morning, I had let Tenya borrow an old shirt of mine since I had torn it off in the heat of the night prior. However, I did completely forget about the hickeys present on my neck.

"Amao, your neck!" Mina and Hagakure ushered me out of the common area.

"What's up with it...Ohhhhh." I stared at my reflection in the glass

"We gotta get some coverage on that neck." Mina signalled to Yao-momo. "Yao-momo, can you create-!"

"On it." Without uttering the words, she had created a tube of concealer and a small sponge.

Mina, Hagakure and Yaoyorozu taught me and Iida how to cover up hickeys effectively, just so we wouldn't get in trouble.

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