Chapter 1

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Miranda's POV

It was just another Monday morning, as my alarm clock goes off, I smack the clock and groan. Oh how I hate Monday's.

I got out of bed and did what I normally do. Shower, get dressed, hair and breakfast.

I walk back into my room and looked at the time it read 8:15 "shit!" I say under my breath. I missed my bus and I wasn't even close to ready, at least my dad wasn't home to lecture me about getting up earlier.

I plopped down at my desk and started to do my everyday makeup. It just consisted of concealer, mascara and sometimes a natural eyeshadow. I throw on a blink 182 sweatshirt with leggings and my Uggs, since it's mid November.

*at school*

I walk into hell and walk to my locker where I see my friend, Paige, leaning against my locker, on her phone.

"Hey." I say and shove her out of my way, playfully. Paige is like my only friend because I hate almost everyone but she's different like we're both just the same ugh I don't know how to explain it. But I love her, as a friend.

"Ow, what the hell M" she rolled her eyes.

I ignore what she says, "ugh my feet are killing me!" I'm a huge complainer but aye she puts up with it.

"Why were you so late did you walk or something? You owe me I've been standing here for twenty damn minutes waiting for you!" Paige exclaims.

"Geez calm your shit! Yeah I had to walk because I missed the fucking bus but I would've have been later if my dad was home he would have freaking lectured me!" I say louder than I thought I did. I felt my cheeks go red, I looked around and nobody was staring, I was relieved but then noticed all the girls were all over these two guys that I haven't seen before.

"Oh look new kids" I roll my eyes.

"Ew look at all the girls there making them selves look like sluts." Paige said not looking impressed.

I grabbed my phone and slammed my locker shut before Nash would, he doesn't like us don't know what we did but he just doesn't. Him and his 'crew' walked by and shoved Paige.

"Hey bitch what the hell is wrong with you!" I exclaim Nash turns his head smiles and shrugs. I could smack that thing.

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