Chapter 22

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*the next day*

Paige's POV

I woke up to Ethan snoring. Should have seen that coming. "Damn you're cute when you snore." I bit my lip.

"You're cute when you sleep." He laughed not opening his eyes.

"Didn't know you were awake." I said embarrassed.

"That's cool. What are we doing today?" He smiled.

"I'm guessing you're feeling better."

"A lot better for a matter of fact." He laughed.

"I guess we could go for a walk or something. I don't know." I smiled resting my head on his chest.

"Or we could go to your house. I've never been and I would like to meet your family." He smiled.

"Ok we can do that." I smiled, my parents will love him.

"But five more minutes of sleep would be good since someone was rude and woke me up too early on the weekend." He joked. 

"I don't even know why I'm up. But I'm sorry for waking you Ethan." I giggled.

Grayson's POV

I'm kind of glad Miranda asked me to stay with her last night. But I'm still not sure if we're a thing or not. I really hope we are.

When I woke up she was on her phone, typical Miranda. She was scrolling through Instagram and came across a picture of some shirtless guy. I got this, "who's that?" I said joking with a serious voice.

"Oh hey you're awake. You didn't need to scare the shit out of me though." She jumped.

"Who's that?" I asked again.

"It's my friend from middle school."

"Why are you looking at shirtless pictures of him?" I tried not to laugh.

"Oh I see what you're doing. Stop being such a girl." She laughed.

I pulled out my phone and snapped a selfie of us, and posted it to Instagram with the caption 'woke up next to this cutie'.

"Awe you're cute." She giggled double tapping the post.

"You're cuter." I laughed.

"Thanks." She smiled.

"So I was uh wondering, um are we ya know a thing now? Or uh-" I stuttered.

"Hmm I was waiting for you to ask that." She smirked.

"So it's a yes?" I smiled.

"It's a no." She said sarcastically.

"Good." I said crashing my lips to hers.

Ethan's POV

We fell asleep for a little longer but woke up to the voices of Miranda and Grayson in the next room. "I wonder what they're doing in there." Paige laughed.

"I wonder too. But I'm too lazy to get up." I laughed.

"Well you better be getting up if we're going to my house. I look like a troll with no makeup on and I need a new outfit." Paige said standing up.

"First of all, you look amazing without all that crap on your face. Second of all, you can just borrow another one of my sweaters." I laughed.

"Thanks but I like this one better." She said.

"Why that one?" I asked.

"Well it's super comfy and let's just say it smells like you." She laughed walking out of my room, "get dressed." She yelled shutting my door.

I quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and a grey hollister shirt. "I'm done you can come in now." I shouted.

"Ok." She walked into the door.

*at Paige's house*

We walked up to her room so she could get dressed.

Paige's POV

I slipped on a pair of lulu lemon leggings, a white tank top and Ethan's sweater. Again. This is the third day in a row that I've worn it but you can't blame me because it's comfy. "Ready to go downstairs and meet my crazy family?" I asked. I was an only child so it was just me my mom and dad.

"For sure." He smiled. Damn he was sexy when he said that.

"Let's go." I said grabbing his hands.

We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where my parents were preparing lunch. "Hey mom and dad. I have someone I would like you to meet." I smiled sitting down at the island in the kitchen, "Ethan this is my mom, Julie and my dad, Mark." I introduced him to them.

"Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Smith." Ethan nodded shaking their hands.

"Nice to meet you too Ethan. Paige talks quite a bit about you." My dad explained.

"Dad!" I said embarrassed.

"You wouldn't believe how annoyed my parents get." Ethan winked to me.

"What's for lunch?" I asked.

"Subs and fruit salad. We have enough for Ethan to join as well." My mom smiled.

"Thanks Mrs. Smith." Ethan smiled.

"Call me Julie." My mom gleamed.

"Ok Julie it is." He smiled back.

*eating lunch*

"So Paige tells me you have an identical brother. What's his name?" My dad asked.

"His names Grayson and he's a pain." Ethan laughed.

"I've always wanted to know what it's like to have a sibling." I said.

"You're lucky you don't have one." Ethan elbowed me.

"Ow." I said poking him.

"You guys are so cute. Are you two dating?" My mom asked.

"No." I pouted.

"Oh sorry." My mom apologized.

"It's fine mom. He's an amazing friend." I smiled.

"Did I just get a compliment from Paige?" Ethan said joking.

"What do you mean?" I asked puzzled.

"All you do is make fun of me." He winked.

"Ethan!" I hit him.

"Wow you're a weakling." He laughed picking me up off the stool and throws me over his shoulder.

"Bye mom, bye dad. I'll text you later." I said laughing.

"Sorry I had to." Ethan said setting me down outside on the front step.

"You're so mean!" I pouted.

"I'm sorry." He said putting one finger under my chin and lifting my face so our eyes met.

"That's o-" I was cut off by his lips crashing to mine.

"Sweetie!" My mom said opening the door, "crap! I didn't mean to interrupt I was just going to give you your phone."

"Ha that's ok mom." I said.

"Sorry sweetie, here's your phone." She said passing it to me.

"Thanks mom." I said hugging her.


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