Chapter 8

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Author's Note- hey guys! So we wanted to show you what we, Paige and Miranda, look like in our fanfiction. So the picture above is of pretty much 2 random girls (except Maggie, who is Miranda) taken off of Google images😂because they are actually really pretty and they are literally goals!
Hope you guys are having fun reading this. Don't forget to comment, vote and share our book with your friends!

Ethan's POV

I guess we just got caught up in the moment and kept hugging for a bit. Paige was still crying and I didn't want to let her go. I know I only met her, today, but she's just so beautiful and nice and I guess I just want to make her mine. "Wanna come over to my house for a bit?" I asked letting go from the hug.

"Umm yea sure." She laughed, "thanks Ethan I really appreciate this all."

"Oh uh no problem. I know we just met, like literally, but I wouldn't just let you sit here alone." I smiled rubbing the back of my neck. She just smiled and we started to walk back to my house.

"Well this is my house." I said opening the front door.

"Wow." She whispered.

"Want a drink or something to eat?" I said walking towards the kitchen.

"Umm yea sure. Got any lemonade?" She asked.

"Yea of course, it's one of my favourites." I said opening the fridge door.

"No way! Mine too!" She laughed, sitting down at one of the chairs at the island.

We sat in the kitchen talking about weird and funny stuff. She was just so cute.

All of a sudden I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, it was Grayson.

G- Hey. Whatcha up to?

Me- Not much at home with Paige.

G- Serious?

Me- No

G- Oh

Me- Wow dumb ass much? You should bring over Miranda so maybe they can talk.

G- Umm yea sure. If I can find her.

Me- What do you mean?

G- I'll tell you when I home. May or may not be with Miranda.

"Grayson is coming back home." I said setting my phone down on the table.

Paige's POV

"Oh cool." I smiled.

The boys were very nice. And Ethan, just wow. He's so nice and handsome and funny and just ugh, everything you could ever imagine!

I suddenly had this strange urge to grab his phone and take 'some' selfies.

I grabbed his phone and made a run for it, I made my way to the back door. "Hey! What are you doing?" He yelled chasing after me.

I sat down in the middle of the grass and took some, maybe a few hundred selfies. Ethan didn't try taking the phone away just sat down and took some selfies with me.

We tried to be Tumblr but it didn't end well.

Suddenly Ethan grabbed his phone and turned to me. We sat in silence for a bit, it was quite nice.

He slowly started leaning forwards and I did as well. Than Grayson came running through the back door and ruined the moment.

Me and Ethan backed away from each other a bit and smiled.


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