Chapter 30

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Miranda's POV

I wonder what was up with Paige she hasn't been up to doing anything lately and she won't tell me what's wrong.

I was on my way to Grayson's, we were suppose to go to the mall and stuff. I was hoping Nancy wasn't home because she hates me, I rang the door and bell and Mr. Dolan opened the door.

"Oh hello Miranda, you here to see Grayson?" He smiles

"Yeah and about the other night I'm sorry for being so rude I have really bad anger problems." I let out a nervous laugh. Mr. Dolan sighs and let's me in.

"It's alright my wife was out of line for doing that..." Grayson comes down the stairs which broke the awkward tension between us.

"Oh hey I was gonna come get you." Grayson says walking over and sitting next to me.

"That's okay, I came over to apologize about how I was so rude the other night anyways." He nods and pulls me up off the couch.

"We're going to the mall!" Grayson shouts to his dad, he nods and continues reading the news paper.

As we were walking to the bus station Grayson looked over to me, "hey what's wrong?" He asks stopping in his tracks,

"Nothing, why?" I ask shaking my head a little.

"No there's something bothering you..."

"Dude if you don't start walking were going to miss the bus!" I say changing the subject.

"Subject changer much." Grayson lets out a little laugh and starts walking again.

"My specialty." I laugh a little, Grayson shakes his head.

He was right there is something bothering me. Avery.


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