Chapter 12

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Paige's POV

36 stitches in my arm and it hurts like hell.

I just had to leave the twins' house I needed to clear my head, I needed to go to my 'happy place'. Most of you are probably thinking, oh she's going to bed. No I'm not I'm going to smoke pot.

Yea I know it's a bad thing for my health but I just need it. It's not like I smoke it 24/7, just every once in a while.

When I got home I went up to my room, my parents were gone to LA for the weekend so I had the house to myself.

I rolled up a joint and of course smoked it out my bed room window. I turned on some music and blared it so I couldn't hear myself think.

Ethan's POV

I followed Paige home to see if everything was ok. I don't think she noticed me and yes I know I shouldn't worry because we aren't dating but I still do. I walked up the stairs to her bedroom and all I could hear was the blasting music. I walked into her room and smelt something disgusting. What the hell?!

Paige turned around and I noticed a cigarette in her hand, but it didn't smell like that. I looked closer before she threw it out the window, it was a joint. "What was that?" I questioned standing in her doorway.

"I can explain. It's nothing." Paige said worried.

"Than explain." I said.

"Yes I know you know it's weed. And yes I know it's not good for my health. I don't smoke it all the time maybe a few times a week. I just needed to clear my mind." She said now sitting on her bed.

"Why do I like a badass girl?!" I said turning to the stairs.

"You like me?" She smiled at her feet.

"Well umm, could you not tell by our two almost kisses." I smiled.

"I guess I didn't clue in."

"I just don't want to date someone who smokes pot." The words slipped out without me thinking and I knew I ruined the moment.

"It's not like I smoke it all the time Ethan I told you that!" She snapped.

"Whatever." I walked down the stairs.

"Ethan wait!" I heard her running towards me.

"What's the point?" I said stopping before walking out the door.

"The point is I'm addicted to weed, you can't change that easily. But you're a nice guy and an amazing person and I don't want to lose you because of my addiction." A tear fell from her eye.

I didn't know what to say so I walked out of the door.

Miranda's POV

Fuck! I didn't want Grayson to find out! I didn't want anyone to find out. But i'm glad he kicked the can out of the way for me.

I went home and lay in bed, than received a text from Grayson.

G- hey.
M- hey, what's up?
G- not much, you?
M- in bed.
G- can we talk tomorrow?
M- yea sure. Why?
G- you'll see tomorrow but it's important. Meet at the coffee shop down from my place?
M- yea sure. I'm sorry Grayson for everything.
G- it's ok.

Paige's POV

I really need to stop smoking weed I guess. I've been smoking it for just under a year now. But if Ethan really likes me and doesn't want me smoking it I guess I have to quit. Or maybe I can just tell him I quit and I haven't actually quit. I don't know but I think I'm starting to get feelings for him...

Author's Note
so you guys get 2 chapters today because I forgot to update the other day. Whoops...

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