Chapter 13

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Paige's POV

It's Thursday morning and I have to get up for school. I was dreading going it means I have to see Ethan and he's clearly mad at me.

I get out of bed and do my morning routine. Shower, brush my teeth, do my hair and make up and choose an outfit.

Today I had my dirty blonde hair curled with my everyday makeup, I paired my favourite black skater skirt with a Marianas Trench shirt and my black Doc Martens. I put on a pile of bracelets grabbed my school bag and left. I left an hour early so I could walk to Starbucks and get something. 

I ordered two grande Carmel frappés one for me and one for Miranda because if I didn't get her something she'd be pissed. I started to walk to school.

Miranda's POV

I stood at my locker waiting for Paige to show up with my Starbucks, I would get it myself but she lives down the street from one so she always gets one for her and one for me.

I was actually dressed half presentable today, but that's only because I have a presentation and at this school you have to dress nice for your presentations, I hate that rule.

I was wearing a Nirvana shirt, black skater skirt and black Docs with my normal makeup and hair in a messy bun. I had all my bracelets on my arms, I always wear them it's just something I started in sixth grade and it's like an everyday thing for me now.

I see Paige walk through the door with almost the exact same outfit on I mutter "fuck" and look over again to see Nash being the bitch he is. I wasn't scared to confront him and that's what I'm going to do.

I walk over to where Paige was and grab my drink, look at her smirk, take the lid off. I dump throw it in his face and smack him. We walk away with all the sass in the world. I heard Nash tell his friends "oh so she thinks she can get away with that?!" I laugh to my self and flip him off.

"Oh my fucking god you just made my day!" Paige says laughing making me laugh even harder.

"I'm glad I did. I haven't seen you-" I was cut off by someone pushing me to the locker.

"So you thought you'd get away with that huh?" Nash spat.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "you really think you're going to do something to me." He never liked when I would speak my mind he expected me to stay quiet and Paige does but that's not who I am.

"Watch it freak!" He says and I give him a 'the fuck' look.

"Oh I'm so hurt!" I say sarcastically. Nash grabbed my hair, it hurt but I wasn't going to let him win.

"Let go of me you bitch!" I say through clenched teeth, I looked out the corner of my eye and saw Paige had walked away. Wow, nice friend I have there! "What do you want from me Nash?" I ask, he sighs and his eyes soften.

"You." I open my mouth to say something but get cut off by his lips crashing on to mine. I mentally threw up, I kissed back but I honestly don't know why. I snake my arms around his neck still kissing him. I think about what I could do then I pull his hair as hard as I could making him pull away, "don't you ever touch me again." I spat at him, walking towards Grayson who was with my slut of a sister.

"Hey Gray." I say happily, my hair wasn't messed up Nash actually helped it look the way I wanted it to, at least one good thing came out of that.

"Oh hey! Uh this is Mackenzie." He says introducing me to my own sister.

"Yeah I know who she is." I say clearly not impressed, Mackenzie whips out her phone and starts to text someone.


(M= Mackenzie Me= well me)

M: you better stay the hell away from him

Me: or else?

M: I'll ruin your life Hun

Me: oh yeah? How you going to do that?

M: you'll see!

Me: oh okay yeah you've got nothing. Who are you to tell me to stay away from him your 17!

M: WTH so is he you bitch! You'd look like a slut if you'd talk to him.

Me: oh so I'd look like you!! Btw he's 15.

I block her number and walk away from them I couldn't stand being around her any longer.


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