Chapter 34

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Miranda's POV

Jack and I got back home around 2 am, we snuck into the house as quietly as we could but failed miserably, Jack ended up sneezing and I tripped on a flat surface. The lights flicked on and standing in front of us was one angry dad. I smile a faint smile, he points to the stairs, we walked up with our heads down.

I knew we were going to be grounded for at least a week, which probably means I won't be able to see Grayson and I won't have my phone or anything to talk to him. I was up all night on my phone, on Instagram and Twitter. Jack hasn't really told anyone we were siblings, he's posted pictures saying 'with the fave💕' and people assume we're a couple. We even have some people shipping us which is the creepiest thing. I fell asleep around 4 am I had loads of things racing in my mind.

My eyes slowly opened I felt around for my phone, and found it on the floor. I groaned reaching down to grab it, the time read '2:17' I slowly worked my way to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

"Miranda hurry up!" Jack said through the door.

"Ugh ten more minutes!" I yell from the shower.

"You've been in there for an hour already!" I shut off the water and got changed into, a grey oversized sweater, black skinny jeans and a flannel around my waist. I blow dried my hair straight, washed my face and left the bathroom going into my room.

"Finally!" I hear Jack yell from across the hall. I sat at my desk and did a little makeup.

Jack's POV

I already knew what was going to go down tonight when my dad gets home from work. We'll get a lecture about our curfew being 11:30, another lecture about sneaking out, he'll take away our phones only leaving us with our laptops for school work ONLY. On top of all that we get grounded for a week!

I walked over to Miranda's room to see her reading a book.

"Hey uh if you wanna go see Grayson I'd go before dad gets back because he's not going to let you see him for like a week, so yeah."

"Oh okay I kind of figured, so what are you going to tell him about your tattoo?" She asks putting away her book.

"I don't know I'll probably just have him see it like when I hand him my phone, I'll make him see it or something... I have no clue the only thing I know is I'll be grounded for way longer." I chuckled.

"Oh okay." she says taking her phone and walking down stairs, "I'm gonna go see Gray!" She shouts walking outside.

Grayson's POV

I was lounging around on the couch watching cartoons when the door bell rang. I get up to answer the door, it was probably Miranda or something.

"Hey!" She says walking inside. Yep I was right it's Miranda.

"Hey...what's up?" She smiled a little.

"Nothing it's just that-" I cut her off.

"Are you breaking up with me?" I ask confused.

"No dude you be mine!" She laughed, I laughed too. "It's just that I probably won't be able to text you or anything for like a week..."

"Why?" I asked a little lost.

"Kinda snuck out with Jack we went to that alley way with the fence where I broke my arm and finished painting the piece I had done for Avery, and then Jack had a crazy idea to go get a tattoo. So we went and he got the same tattoo as me." She took a breath.

"Smart move!" I say sarcastically, "but who's Avery?" I ask her, eyes glaze over.

"My uh little sister... she died of lung cancer a year ago." She was trying so hard to hold in her tears.

"I'm so sorry Miranda..." I say pulling her into a hug. Her hugs were my favourite.


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