Chapter 36

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Miranda's POV

It was Monday again, I just wanted to sleep but I couldn't. I felt around for my phone but couldn't find it, then I remember that my dad took it away. I have no clue what I'm going to do for the next week without my phone.

I get up and do my morning things and look for something to wear. I decided on navy skinny jeans and one of Grayson's sweaters, I stole from him, I paired it with my black combat boots. I put my laptop and all my school books in my bag than walk down stairs to hear dad yelling at Jack.

"What the hell were you thinking getting a tattoo?" Dad shouted, I stopped dead in my tracks and just stood there listening to them.

"Dad calm down! It at least means something! It's not like I got a cock tattooed on my forehead!" Jack yells with anger in his voice. I haven't ever seen Jack get so mad in the month I've lived here.

"What does it mean huh? It's a rose Jack! A rose! What possibly could a rose mean?"

"Avery..." Jack said getting up and walking out of the house.

I walked over to the kitchen where my dad was. He looks at me then back at the wall. "He got the tattoo in memory of Avery..." I say leaving the house.

Ethan's POV

Ugh Monday! How not exciting... At least I have the chance to talk to Paige. I get out of bed and throw on a pair of ripped jeans and a plain white tee. I went downstairs, grabbed an apple and left the house, off to school. I waited by Paige's locker. I saw her coming and smiled. "What do you want Ethan?" She said not looking at me and unlocking her lock.

"I want you to be able to trust me again." I said looking over at her.

"I don't know Ethan. Can we talk after school? I have a science test in like 5 minutes and I don't want to be late." She said closing her locker.

"Meet me back here?" I said.

"I kind of have to come back it's my locker." She giggled.

I walked off with the biggest and goofiest smile on my face. I know she only said she'd talk to me but it makes me happy that she's even doing that! Considering how she was before.

I was on my way to my locker when I heard people screaming and other people chanting. I walked closer to the group and saw the slut Mackenzie and Miranda fighting. Grayson wasn't anywhere to be seen. I pushed everyone out of the way and pulled Miranda away from her sister. Does she even consider Mackenzie her sister? Probably not.

Her lip was busted, she had a bruise spearing under her eye other than that she had nothing compared to the thing. "What the hell are you two doing?" I screamed. 

"You better fucking stay away from him you slut!" Miranda yelled.

"Hey babe." Mackenzie winked at me.

"Fuck you." I yelled.

"Oh is someone upset because he got caught making out with another girl?" She teased coming closer to me.

"Fuck off Mackenzie." I shouted as she stroked my hair.

"Don't fucking touch him!" Miranda yelled grabbing her arm.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Mackenzie growled.

"Mackenzie Nadeau and Miranda Nadeau to the office, immediately!" The intercom spoke.

"Fuck." Miranda whispered.

Miranda's POV

"What were you guys thinking?" The principal shouted.

"I don't know what got into her I was just walking to my locker and we bumped accidentally and she just blew." Mackenzie lied.

"Listen here!" I started.

"Sit down!" The principal yelled.

"She's lying!" I screamed.

"Ok than what did she do to deserve a punch to the face?" The principal said calmer now.

"She made out with my best friend's boyfriend." I started.

"They weren't even dating!" Mackenzie yelled.

"Yea they were! Anyways when I saw her today I just blew." I finished.

"So you had to start a fight in the halls of the school?" The principal asked.

"I know it was a stupid move but-"

"But nothing detention for a week, both of you." The principal declared.

Grayson's POV

I was on my way to my locker when I heard them call Miranda and her sister to the office. I really hope she didn't do anything stupid.

I stood by her locker on my phone.

"Hey." Miranda says as she opens her locker.

"Oh my gosh what happened?" I ask concerned looking at her beat up face.

"Got in a fight with that whore." I laughed a little even though it was a serious matter, "she deserved it for making Paige feel this way."

"You go girl!" I say a little louder than I thought I had.

"You should see her." Miranda says as she grabbed her bag from her locker and smirked.

"What? Where are you going?" I ask.

"Home, not staying here fuck the system!" I nod we walk to my locker grab my bag and we left school.

We didn't go back to either of our houses because if our parents were home then we'd be screwed. So we decided to spend the whole day walking around the city and have a little fun.

Paige's POV

The final bell rang and my heart started to race. I was actually so nervous to talk to Ethan. What was he going to say? What was going to happen? Ugh I just don't know.

I opened my locker and threw my books in, closed my locker and waited for Ethan to show up.

Minutes later he was there smiling. "So what's on your mind?" I said looking at the ground.

-Paige & Miranda

End Of Book 1

Author's Note
You've finished the book!
I (Paige) actually got really sad opening Wattpad to update this chapter, I don't know why. Maybe because I had so much fun writing it and I CANNOT wait for you guys to read the next book.

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