Chapter 5

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Paige POV

Miranda hasn't talked me since Saturday, and it's Thursday! I don't even know what I did, I've tried calling her so many times but she wouldn't pick up. She hasn't been at school either, I'm kind of mad that she's ignoring me but maybe there's something wrong or something happened that night of the party. I was brought out of my thoughts by the bell signalling we had to get to 4th block class.

Miranda's POV

I have never been so scared to go back to school and face Nash after what happened. Yeah there's a chance he's not going to remember because I'm pretty sure he was drunk out of his mind.

I haven't talked to Paige in almost a week... I don't know I just feel like if I were to tell her she'd act different or something. I heard a knock on the door I got up hoping it was Grayson because he said he would come over, but when I opened the door it was Paige. She pushed her way past me and sat down on the couch. "Uh hey..." I say with worry in my voice

"Ya hey, so why have you been ignoring me?" She asks clearly mad.

"What do you mean?" I say playing dumb.

"Oh my god Miranda you know what I'm talking about! I've called you so many times and you didn't even bother answering! What did I do for you to be mad at me!?" She yells catching me off guard.

"I have a lot of things going on right now! Can you just stop like seriously you don't know what happened Saturday..." I shout at her

"What...? What happened Saturday?" Paige asked with a worried tone in her voice

"Nothing... just go" I say quietly looking down at my feet.

"No tell me what happened Miranda!" Paige yells again

"I told you it was nothing just go! Leave! Okay!" Why does this always happen?

"Fine!" She yells and walks out slamming the door behind her.

I think I just lost my only friend...


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