Chapter 10

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Paige's POV

I had an idea of where I was going, but once I got into those woods I'd be lost forever. I saw the boys running towards the jumble, "guys wait!" I screamed sprinting towards them. They came to a quick stop so I just jogged to them. "Ok Gray you said you knew where this place was?" I said clearly out of breath.

"Yea it's by the stream and stuff. Hard to explain let me lead the way." He said walking into the woods.

When we got to where this place was, Miranda was sitting on the ground curled into a ball. I ran up to her, "hey I know we just got into a fight but I want you to talk to me." I said sitting down beside her and putting my arm across her back.

"I'm sorry." She said in between sobs.

"I'm sorry too." I smiled.

"For what?" She looked up at me.

"For not being at that party to protect you." A tear fell down my cheek.

"It's not your fault, Grayson was there." She winked.

"Yea they're pretty cool aren't they?" I laughed, "so umm Grayson told me about the party but why the hell were those guys chasing you?!" I asked.

"I was wandering around town and ended up in an alley full of spray paint. It was kinda cool. Than these guys came and said I was in their territory so I mouth backed and the one guy pulled a knife so I started to run and they chased after me." She explained. The boys had come closer to listen.

"Holy fuck." Grayson mumbled.

"Yea I know." Miranda said looking over at the stream.

"Paige, come with me and let's go see if they are still there." Ethan said waving me over.

Ethan's POV

"Why not me?" Grayson said.

"Because I think someone needs you more." I said pointing to Miranda.

"Yea I guess." He smiled.

Me and Paige walked a trail to the exit of the forest. "Hey, I'm sorry about Grayson earlier. And than leaving you alone and," she cut me off and we both stopped in our tracks.

"It's ok." She smiled, "Miranda was in trouble and I'm glad you guys left to go help her."

"I'm glad you came along too." I smiled and started to lean in. Thankfully she leaned in too.

"In there!" I heard someone yell from the road.

"What can two people not walk in the forest?!" Paige yelled.

"Where is she?!" The 'leader' of the pack came closer.

"Where is who?" Paige snapped.

"That chick who was on OUR territory."

"Oh you own this place you're calling your territory? Where are the papers to prove it?!"

"We don't have paper to prove it honey." He spat pulling out a pocket knife.

"Get away from her." I yelled.

"Or else what?" He glared.

"Just get away from her." I snapped grabbing Paige's arm.

The man pulled Paige back and pulled his knife to her neck.

"Tell me where she is or pretty princess over here gets cut."

"She ran that way." I pointed down the road, in the opposite direction of Miranda.

"Thanks." He released Paige but cut her arm right open.

Paige fell to the ground and blood poured out of her arm.

"Paige!" I screamed dropping down beside her.

"I'm ok Ethan. It just hurts a bit." She smiled, "just go get Grayson and Miranda and let's get to a hospital."

"I can't just leave you here bleeding." I said holding her arm.

"Than help me up and we will go together." She said grabbing my hand, "ow it hurts."

"No I thought it tickled." I chuckled picking her up off the ground.

"Shut up and let's go get Gray and Miranda." She laughed.

Grayson's POV

"You know if you didn't run off than none of this would have happened." I joked.

"I'm sorry about that Grayson. I just wasn't ready."

"I'm sorry for going too fast."

"It's okay. How could a guy like you resist a girl like me?" She joked playing with her hair.

"Yea I know it's hard." I mumbled to myself.

"Pardon?" She asked smiling.

"Oh uh nothing." I smiled, "so is everything ok?"

"Everything is fine. Thanks for coming."

"I'm glad I came." I smiled, "you know Paige really misses you."

"Yea I know I was just being a bitch." She frowned.

"You think you guys can be friends again?" I asked.

"Yea, I hope so. Did you tell her about the party?"

"Yea I'm sorry. I didn't want to lie to her, she was really hurt."

"Thanks." She smiled.

Than we were interrupted, "guys! We need to go! Now!" I heard Ethan shout.

"Why?" Miranda asked.

"Those guys came back and we lead them in the wrong direction and well he pulled a knife on Paige and as you can see and now she's bleeding." Ethan pointed to Paige's arm which was covered in blood.

"Oh shit. Let's go!" Miranda stood up and so did Grayson.


Author's Note-
Thanks for 200 reads guys!
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