Chapter 20

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Ethan's POV

I really wanted to go to my aunt's tonight for her party but I couldn't hold anything down and couldn't stop vomiting. She's my favourite aunt and I really would love to go but rather not vomit on her cake.

I received a text from Paige.

(P=Paige E=Ethan)

P: hey

E: hey

P: what's up?

E: nothing in bed sick😷

P: aw! Get better soon❤️

E: thanks Paige. What are you up to?

P: nothing bored. Didn't you have your aunt's party tonight?

E: yea can't make it since I'm sick. I feel so bad.

P: aw don't feel bad she'll understand. I'll be over in a little bit to take care of you😊

E: thanks see you soon.

*15 minutes later*

My door creaked open, "hey I see that everyone is gone now."

"Yea they left not too long ago." I smiled.

"So what do you need? I will get it for you." She smiled.

"A hug would be good." I smirked.

"Fine!" She smiled walking over and hugging me.

"You're hugs are good." I smiled.

"Good? That's it?" She pouted.

"Fine they're awesome." I smiled.

"That's better." She said sitting at the edge of my bed.

I went to get off my bed, "what are you doing?" She questioned.

"I was just gonna grab my laptop." I told her.

"I can grab it." She said standing up and grabbing it off my desk. Before she handed it to me she said, "wait are computer games better than me?" She pouted again.

"Nothing is better than you." We weren't even dating but it just felt so real.

"Okay that's better now you can have your laptop. But I wanna see what you're doing. Unless it's porn than I'm out." She laughed.

"It's not porn! I was gonna put on Netflix for us to watch." I laughed.

"Good. What movie?" She said sitting down next to me on my bed.

"Liar Liar?" I asked.

"Yea sure it's one of my favourites!" She smiled.

"Huh I just noticed your sweater." I smiled.

"Yea I wore it today, and you weren't there." She frowned.

"Sorry I was sick." I frowned giving her a side hug.

"You should be." She giggled.

"Oh shush." I laughed.

*after the movie*

What a funny movie! Glad I didn't have to watch it alone. Crap I'm cheesy.

Paige had fallen asleep on my shoulder about an hour and a half through the movie which was fine with me.

She was so cute when she was asleep. I pulled out my phone and snapped a selfie of us. I didn't realize that my volume was all the way up and the click from the camera was very loud, causing Paige to wake up. "Ha, sorry." I laughed.

"What were you doing?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"Oh nothing. Just took a selfie of JUST me." I lied.

"Oh sure." She laughed.

"You don't mind?" I asked.

"Not at all." She laughed, "but I'm going to sleep again. So leave me alone."

"Ok princess." I kissed her on the forehead and closed my eyes falling asleep myself.


Unexpected Love: A Dolan Twins FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now